Unproven Chapter Eighty Six “Man Plans, and God Laughs"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine Chapter Fifty Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Fifty Two Chapter Fifty Three Chapter Fifty Four

Chapter Fifty Five Chapter Fifty Six Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Fifty Eight Chapter Fifty Nine Chapter Sixty

Chapter Sixty One Chapter Sixty Two Chapter Sixty Three

Chapter Sixty Four Chapter Sixty Five Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Sixty Seven Chapter Sixty Eight Chapter Sixty Nine

Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy Two

Chapter Seventy Three Chapter Seventy Four Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Seventy SixChapter Seventy Seven Chapter Seventy Eight

Chapter Seventy Nine Chapter Eighty Chapter Eighty One

Chapter Eighty Two Chapter Eighty Three Chapter Eighty Four

Chapter Eighty Five

Chapter Eighty Six

It was nearing the middle of March and Grayson lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling that had become his mental sounding board ever since he'd met Ary, going over everything that still needed to be done.

During the week following their reunion he'd accomplished his task of getting a used set of wheels, and in the weeks following that began methodically stashing away money.

The hardest part had been finding ways to be with her, but he'd devised a plan that gave him at least two full nights a week. It was a little risky, since it required involving the professional hookers his father had hired for him. But the risk was fairly minimal since it meant they were still getting paid but not having to do anything for it.

Basically he'd confided that he was in love with a girl, but his father was the type of macho man that thought his son should be playing the field, having lots of sex with lots of variety. The women had melted at the idea of his devotion- which he had basically counted on. They might get paid to have sex but that didn't mean they weren't still suckers for love.

So every Sunday and Wednesday evening he would drive to the condo his father had rented for those nights and leave his car, then go inside for a few minutes in case anyone was following him, then sneak out the back and cut across a few lawns where he would then call a cab to take him either to his alternate vehicle-a gold Subaru station wagon-or straight to Ary's depending on what they were planning to do. If they were staying in he'd sneak in her window and they'd spend the night talking and planning, playing board games or watching movies on her laptop, and of course having lots of incredible sex.

Otherwise, he'd pick up the car and take her to the beach or into the city, careful to go where they wouldn't be spotted by anyone they knew. He told her how he'd accomplished this, about the hookers his father had hird- and considering the Terasa incident in the fall along with the fact that she thought James was completely deranged; hiring prostitutes for his son didn't even blip on her radar of strange things for him to do. She had asked if he was tempted, but he'd assured her he would be more tempted to stick his dick in an anthill, no joke, which had made her giggle.

God, he lived for that giggle.

The only hitch in the plan had occurred when Jay showed up. He'd been worried that Jay would want to accompany him to see the hookers, so he'd had a talk with his dad. Basically he'd told him that Jay had come with him to visit the women in Europe and he'd found that he had a particular aversion to having another male in that setting. James had understood without question and assured him that it would not continue here.

With that potential disaster averted, he'd breathed a little easier, but that didn't mean he'd let his guard down. No, his guard had never been so high and tight in his life. He went to every function, every dinner, every charity event that his father required him to attend, working the rooms as if his future depended on it. Which basically meant he was routinely putting on academy award winning performances, because in no way did he want his future to include the superficial, pretentious touchholes with whom he was forced to rub elbows. Himself, his Ary, and eventually their two mini-me's and a goofy dog, that was the future he wanted and the only beings he actually cared to have in it.

Well, and Dori if possible. She was a godsend, because two nights a week was hardly enough time to spend with his girl, even putting his sexual problems aside. Thanks to her, they could see one another more often.

They'd decided during the first few days of planning that Dori had to appear to drift away from Aryanne. It needed to look as if she had chosen Grayson after all. That part had been a little difficult on the girls, Ary especially, because when Dori had begun sitting at Grayson's table again it had not gone over well with Andie.

Ary had done her best to smooth things over, insisting Dori was just being loyal to the one person who had been a constant in her life for years, but Andie's overwhelming hatred of him guaranteed she would never trust anyone who stood by his side. Not even Ary, as shown by their last estrangement, though he grudgingly credited Andie for continuing to love his girl throughout, trust issues aside. Presently, she had no idea they were together, believing it was finally over between them, which naturally made her ecstatic.

As for Dori, she took everything in stride, not seeming particularly concerned about Andie's opinions. Or anyone's besides Ary's or his. She declared that two real friends were all that anyone needed in the world, and were more than most people had. And she definitely knew how to be one herself. Every week she would help Gray figure out ways to hook up with Ary, even if was just for a couple of hours. She'd even managed to arrange for them to spend a whole Saturday on her cousin's sailboat, introducing Aryanne as Jenna, just in case his father ever decided to take a closer look at Dori's life and inquired about her acquaintances.

His father was well aware of his friendship with 'Dorothea', approved of it because she'd proven time and again to be exactly the kind of friend James preferred. One who did favors for favors in return. One who had always seemed very similar to Grayson, with no qualms about using people, her only thoughts being for herself-her ambitions and a successful future. And actually the comparison was accurate. That did describe them until they'd met Aryanne, and the differences in them now were because of Ary who had oddly changed them in almost the same way. He'd pointed this out to Ary once, but she insisted it wasn't her, it was love. He didn't argue since for him the two were interchangeable.

All in all, things were going very well. They only had a couple of more months before graduation and their great escape. They'd decided on aiming for May twenty-sixth as the date they would leave, a Monday, nine days after graduation. They'd chosen this for several reasons. His graduation party was the day prior to that-his father had rented a hall-and it would give him the opportunity to put on one last performance to alleviate any suspicion and therefore buy him some time before James realized something was amiss.

His plan was to tell his dad that he wanted a couple of weeks to relax and have fun, a wind down period-meaning no functions, dinners, and charity events-as a way of celebrating the end of his high school career. He would assure him that after which he would be rejuvenated and fully dedicated to his future and happy to get back in the game. He was pretty sure James would be on board, the only problem he could see was Jay. If not for him, it might be a week before his father realized he was missing.

Oh well, a few days would be enough. On that Monday morning he'd make a large withdrawal, which wouldn't even raise his father's eyebrow since he'll have received a ton of checks from the boatload of wealthy people who would be attending his grad party, and naturally he'd want to spend it during his time of leisure.

Grayson smiled to himself. All in all, things were shaping up nicely.


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