There is always someone keeping working out (part 16)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(十六)

In the recent two years, all kinds of fitness articles even articles about health maintenance have been promoting this action—elbow plank.
This action has been deified. Moreover, some articles are telling us that it can make us six abdominal muscles, less fat and other effects. My dear friends, do not be fooled. You know, to own nice muscles and a strong body, you need to make great efforts.
But we need to face up to elbow plank, which is really worth practicing.

The biggest effect of this action is to exercise the core strength. Secondly, it can help to shape the waist, shoulders and buttocks. But never think this action is easy. Only when you stick to doing it, can this action be effective. In addition, those who are office workers should keep it up. Sitting throughout the day will lead to the deformation and damage of cervical, spine and lumbar. This action directly exercises these parts. Stretch and straighten your body, which can prevent hunching over.

Demonstrative action by my girlfriend and me 我和女朋友的示范动作

Action tips: Keep your body facing the ground, and use your elbows to support the upper body on the yoga mat. Meanwhile, tiptoes work as another fulcrum to support the lower body. The other parts of your body cannot touch the ground. From head to toe, you need to form a straight line. Focus on the strength of the waist and hips to keep this action.
ATTENTION: When practising, do remember not to keep the waist down, which will injure the waist. After holding on for a while, your waist will consciously drop. At this time, you can slight lift your ass.
This action can be done every day. Complete 4 groups each day. You need to keep doing until you are totally worn out. Do not be lazy.

Chapter directory 章节目录

Chapter 章节Content 内容
1brief introduction about fitness 健身初章
2exercise for musculus triceps brachii & pectoral muscles 肱三头肌和胸肌练习
3advanced exercise for musculus tricpes brachii 肱三头肌的高级练习
4how to do pull-ups 引体向上
5warm-up and stretching exercise  热身与拉伸
6fitness plan and some precautions  健身计划与注意事项
7how to train abdominal muscles(part 1) 腹肌训练(一)
8how to train abdominal muscles(part 2) 腹肌训练(二)
9how to train abdominal muscles(part 3) 腹肌训练(三)
10how to train biceps(part 1) 肱二头肌训练(一)
11how to train biceps(part 2) 肱二头肌训练(二)
12how to train the anterior deltoid 三角肌前束练习
13how to train the middle deltoid 三角肌中束练习
14how to train the posterior deltoid 三角肌后束练习
15exercise for latissimus dorsi muscle 背阔肌练习
16elbow plank 平板支撑

This post just represents my personal opinion. Without permission, it is strictly prohibited reproduced.

本文章仅代表个人见解及认知,如有不同意见欢迎指导; 动作配图均为本人,未经同意,禁止复制抄袭。

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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