Dream Diary - 1/11/17

Good Morning!

Today I have my first set of dreams for the month of November. Can you believe we are in November already??? Where has the time gone!! Too quickly if you as me. I hope you enjoy todays read.

Wednesday 1st November 2017

I dreamed I was in my mum and dads old house. It was Christmas time and we had all the decorations up. I remember the green, red and gold garlands, the wall decorations and of course, the christmas tree. I was looking at the christmas tree and some of the decorations on it. It really reminded me of all the christmases we had shared as a family. It also reminded me of the time I was at my granny's house when I was a kid. She really decked it out like a winter wonderland. There was even snow on the windows and not an inch of wall that wasn’t decorated with something festive. Whist I was looking at the different baubles, I started to get very upset and cry. It was my first christmas without my granny and my dad. For those of you who have read some of my early posts, you will know my granny is very ill. I don’t think she has a fortnight left in her, let alone make it to christmas time. Saying that, I don’t know why my dad wasn’t there. He’s as fit as a fiddle.

Then I dreamed I was in my house and my cat went into his litter tray. He did the longest, loudest, squeakiest fart known to man! I couldn’t help but laugh! ’I think I was laughing in my sleep as well!!’

I dreamed I was in a clinic having a some botox injections. I was lying on the white long salon bed. They had some chart music playing. I was talking to the nurse practitioner about my day to day life. Then she started to tell me about her dad passing away and her granny not getting better. Was this something to do with my dad and granny in real life?? Why did I dream that?

I then dreamt I was talking to a bunch of Indian girls. They must have been in their early 20’s. One of them had a set of braces on. There were no brackets. Just a pink wire.

Afterwards I dreamt I was in a large living room. There were a lot of people there. I was with a lot of women, similar age to me. We were wearing different coloured leotards with matching tutus. We were spinning around so quickly like ’ballerinas on speed’. There was a lot of music playing. It seemed like we were at one big party. We were waiting for a flamboyant gay man to turn up. He did turn up wearing a unicorn outfit. He was so white and sparkly! The mane and tail had so many multicoloured pastels in it. He looked fantastic!

Finally I dreamed I was in a garden centre and someone I used to work with was there. There was a bit cordoned off that no one was allowed to enter unless your name was on the list. One of her friends grabbed me and said my name was on the list. She locked arms with me as we entered the area. There were so many different variations of flowers and colours. I then came across the lady I used to work with. She asked me to be her bridesmaid! I was jumping for joy and also shaking like a leaf being full of adrenalin. This was quite weird though as I haven’t seen this person for over 10 years but I know she is married with kids!

There we are Steemit, my first dream of the new month. Feel free to comment. I’d love to know what you make of them.

If you enjoyed this, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

31/10/17 | 30/10/17 | 29/10/17 | 28/10/17 | 27/10/17 | 26/10/17 | 25/10/17 | 24/10/17 | 23/10/17 | 22/10/17 | 21/10/17 | 20/10/17 | 19/10/17 | 18/10/17 | 17/10/17 | 16/10/17 | 15/10/17 | 14/10/17 | 13/10/17 | 12/10/17 | 11/10/17 | 10/10/17 | 9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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