Story: Matthew And The Dragons (Part XIX)




Part XIX

Several days after the wyverns attacked the capital, the damages caused by the attack are currently being repaired and the citizens are starting to return to their normal lives. But everyone knows that this peace is temporary and that once the black dragon attack, this fragile peace will easily shatters.

Meanwhile, Matthew is currently in town helping Amy and Aria carry their shopping bags. This is not by choice though. Seeing this young man always being holed up in his workshop all the time, his mother begin to worry so she asked Amy and Aria's help. Thus, these pair of young ladies drag Matthew out of his workshop to be their bag carrier.

Boris and the knights guarding Matthew in secret couldn't help but laugh at the situation after seeing his "suffering".

"Not sure if I should call him lucky or unlucky to be the bag carrier of two cute girls," said Boris while trying to hold back his laughter.

Hearing what Boris said, the knights laugh out loud. The captain chastised his subordinates for being unprofessional and laughing at the person they are protecting. But if one is to observe his expression carefully, they would noticed his mouth twitching, indicating that he is using all of his willpower not to laugh.

Back to Matthew.

"H-how about we take a break for now?" Matthew asked exhausted.

Hearing what he said, the two girls agreed and went to a nearby shop that sold breads and sweets. They choosed a table outside and took their sits. A waitress went to them and took their orders. After taking their orders, the waitress went inside.

Like a death row prisoner escaping execution, Matthew let out a sigh of relief and slumped on his chair.

"How weak! You're already this tired after shopping for a short time?" Aria chastised after seeing Matthews weak posture.

Amy agreed with what Aria said wholeheartedly, but Matthew thought otherwise.

["What short time? You guys had been shopping for ours straight!" Matthew screamed inside his mind. "Worse still, I'm the one who had been carrying everything that the two of you bought!"]

Matthew could only complain inside his heart, god knows what these two girls would do if he complain upfront. He then thought of Boris and the knights secretly protecting him. He is 100% certain that those guys are watching him suffer. What's more those guys are probably laughing at his predicament. Therefore, he have no qualms cursing them in his mind.

While they are waiting for their orders, Aria and Amy chats about the shop they haven't visited yet, much to Matthew's chagrin. As they're chatting, a girl approaches the group. The girl have black hair and black eyes, and is very pretty.

"I didn't expect to see you guys here," said the mysterious girl.

The trio looked at the girl baffled. They do not know this black-haired girl. Amy and Aria asked Matthew if he knew the girl but Matthew simply shakes his head in confusion. The two then looked at the girl then spoke.

"Could you have mistaken us for other people?" Amy asked.

The mysterious girl smiled sweetly and answered. "Definitely not, I have good memory!"

Her answer confuses the trio more. They are pretty certain that they've never met this girl before!

As if remembering something, the girl hit her palm with a fist and exclaimed, "Oh right, I'm wearing a cloak when we met for the first time at the forest of gloom!"

"You're that assassin!" Matthew exclaimed in shock!


To be continued...


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