Seared Chicken Sitting on A Peanut Puree Ala Kung Pao Chicken Sauce with Grilled Fennel, Mushrooms and Zucchini

Craving for something Chinese ? Thing is, you're in Europe or elsewhere in the West and the Chinese ingredients are only available in a Toko store and is tough to find? Well, if you know how to make it and what a dish tastes like then it won't be a drag. One can still produce the taste close or similar to it using a different ingredients that could actually do the job.

This is how I came up with this recipe. Yes, the original Kung Pao Chicken sauce has dried red pepper strips on it but I've decided to skip that part. My tummy is still recuperating from that mussel incident so I didn't incorporate that here. As for the vegetable choices, I've been watching Top Chef UK and somehow the Brits got me into trying fennel on my first year here.

No, we don't have fennel in the Philippines, perhaps we do now but I haven't been back since I left. Since the zucchini and mushrooms already have their taste when grilled, I just needed another vegetable that wouldn't need salting and would compliment to the only taste that I want this dish to have - Kung Pao Chicken Sauce without the fiery feel in your tongue Let's cut it to the chase and do it already.

What do we need?

How to:

  • Dry your chicken and sear. I garnished mine with chopped mint stems to add some aroma to it. To ensure the juice in the meat, I seared it on a baking paper.

Work on the peanut puree ala Kung Pao Chicken sauce.

'Course, I shared it with my hub. He said;

"Today it feels like eating in a resto minus the bill."

Maybe I should charge haha!

What does it taste like? The seared chicken alone - it doesn't taste like anything but spread the peanut puree in it and you got yourself a stingless Kung Pao Chicken tease without over powering the rest of the elements in a dish. It's the first time I made it and like we say in Dutch; "geslagd!. Meaning, it's yum in this case. Don't ask for the Dutch version this time please, translating power drained.

So, one order for your table?

I took all the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 Edition

Find the rest of my recipe articles (both in English and Dutch here :

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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