17th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 28 and 29 weeks, get ready for child birth


Welcome everyone to week 28 and 29 pregnancy, I believe you all are doing fine, welcome to third trimester which is your last trimester I know you are happy this pregnancy journey is finally going to its end. Hope you are prepared for labor, you have also packed your bags definitely there is nothing that has a beginning that never has an end . So let's see what is happening this week with you and the fetus.

PREGNANCY AT 28 WEEKS (7 months)


At this stage, your baby is well developed, the organs tissues and nerves continue to grow but all necessary organs that will be needed for survival outside the uterus is well formed. This week your baby is 1.2 kg and 48cm from head to toe, baby position will also be changing to the position of child birth, the eyes are partially open, blinking and reacting to light. Kicks at this week will be more as the baby is maturing.

PREGNANCY AT 29 WEEKS (7 months)

Baby is still growing at this stage and it's measuring 39.3 cm long from head to toe and weighs 1.4kg. The baby head is facing down now getting ready for birth, this trimester expect rapid growth and frequent kicks, muscles and lungs are continuing to mature which the growth of the baby will cause increased hunger at this stage as the baby needs more nutrients to continue growing. Calcium is needed to build the muscles, bones and nerves of the baby this week, so you will need to accumulate more calcium that is needed at this stage.

  • Constipation
  • Mood swings
  • Abdominal pains
  • Migraines
  • Frequent urination
  • Hemorrhiod
  • Preeclampsia; if your blood pressure is very high

All this symptoms are not new, they all happen as a result of hormonal changes and by now you should how to control it. I discussed what to do incase you experience any of this symptoms in my last series check it here

What to expect

Weight gain, your baby will be accumulating weight and building muscles so calcium is required at this time, so you need to eat food that contains calcium for nerves, muscles heart and tooth development. If you fail to do so, your baby will have bad effect on you. Therefore eat food such as yogurt, milk, soy milk etc.

  • Take enough fluids
  • Do exercise like walking and swimming
  • Take your supplements

Are you ready for child birth?


Yes at this point you need to get ready for child birth and prepare your mind too, let's see what the preparation involves.

  • Your go bag should be ready, your baby wears should be washed and well ironed and folded into baby cabinet. By now you should be certain in the cream, soap and powder you want to use, then buy it. Decide your diaper type and buy it, shawl, cord clam and every other things needed in hospital bag should be packed.

  • Decide if you will be in for exclusive breastfeeding or baby friendly, I talked about this breastfeeding and it's benefits in one of my series I believe you can still remember. Also discus with your doctor about the method of birth you want and which will be good for you and make up mind and get ready for it.

  • Build up your blood level so as not to be anaemic after delivery, take your supplements and eat nutritious food to build up well.

  • Discuss with your partner about maternity and paternity leave so as to be free to give your baby intensive care and attention.

  • Your baby room should be ready if not ready, start getting it ready as well as baby name, by now you should know the gender of your baby so name should be given start calling your baby by his/her name.

  • Discuss with your doctor about family planning as early as this so as to space your kids well and avoid unnecessary Pregnancy that wasn't planned.


As you rejoice while entering third trimester, take care of your health and your baby build your PCV and take calcium food. I promised to talk about jaundice this week but I will definitely do so by next week. Come next week as we will talk about another interesting topic, jaundice. It will prepare your mind on looking up any symptoms of jaundice in your baby, definitely I will talk about this by next week.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16



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