Daily pick of hidden gems #15

Finding amazing posts hidden between all the spam. Enjoy them just as much as I have.

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Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
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How often do you try to be someone you are not . You are unique so why do you want to be someone else?


2--Letting the Flip of a Coin Determine Where You Go – We Ended Up in the Most Amazing Place

Sometimes things are meant to be. Things turn out the way the should. I really loved this post as it made me wonder if this could be a really exciting way to go through life.


3--Control your mind to control your life

Mmmm mind over matter? Could definitely help.


4--There is no good and no bad, it is our attitude towards this...

Well I believe perspective is key. With a great outlook on things everything you see could be great, but yes there is those rainy days where everything goes wrong. Being a little grumpy then is ok.


5--Have we forgotten how beautiful the world is?

I really thought that I wouldn't find a 5th post today and then I saw this...


Quote for the day

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