Hi, there!
Today is #LoveFriday day, and I'm bringing you one of the trendiest themes of the moment... applied to me. Mindfulness.
I always thought I had what it takes to achieve mindfulness. And I still think that way. But now I know I am still on a journey heading to it. An inner journey.
You know, when we think we have all figured out, then comes life with its permanent challenges and shakes all your certainties. I've been ill of my ears for 3 months now with loud buzzings, as many of you already know. First, they drove me crazy. And slowly I began to accept them, to cope with them, and now I'm feeling a bit better each day (fingers crossed!).
I finally learned and am still learning that, like everything in this life, this happened for a reason, it came to teach me a lesson. It was like a wake-up call (literally!) and made me see within myself with new eyes. Mindfulness, now a trend but with roots in ancient cultures and religions.
I'm no longer a young person and now, looking back, I can see I was always a positive, grateful, and calm person. But I've always lived in a rush. I'm apart from the ones I love on a daily basis for too long. This made me a lonely person that has been living between the past, longing for it, and the plans for the future, somehow forgetting the present. Of course I enjoy the beauty, being in contact with nature, hanging out with my friends... but still rushing and longing for all the time.
Now I'm actively in the pursuit of a more meaningful life, my life, centered in myself, my wellness, and the things and people that surround me. And practice TRUE gratitude. To the wind on my face, the sun, the sounds, the smells, the love that can be shown in the tiniest gestures.
I'm a lucky person, as my wake-up call is not a serious condition. It could be, you know, my friends.
I'm a lucky person because I live close to nature, its sounds and purity. I can breathe and see a vast horizon.
So I've been trying to be even more aware of everything and absorb nature as a part of me. Because we are one, we are energy, the world and us can't be apart.
People live in a rush, and most of us don't even notice the miracles that happen just around us. And they are many, from sunrise to sunset, to our families, our friends, and also within ourselves. And art, and music, and books, and so on.
Mindfulness came after a harmless, but overwhelming illness.
But came for good.
And I'm feeling better.
I'm feeling good!
Thanks for reading this post, thanks for spreading the LOVE, thanks for your support in this LoveFriday!
Happy Friday!
Photos: Javanese kids, Indonesia.
Hippiesoul @nolasco
Proud to be a member of The Steemians Directory
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