Album of the Day #15 Astriaal - Renacent Misanthropy

let's go down under! Here is a good example of my taste going astray -not only geographically, but also taste-wise. Not a huge fan of death metal. I do listen to a few from that genre, but not many. Since I'm on the phone today, Lets make it short. Say hello to Astriaal! As-tri-aaaaal!

Astriaal - Renacent Misanthropy (2003)

I'll have to blame Håvard at aftermath records in Trondheim for discovering this little pearl. Strangely enough these aussie guys was released in Norway instead of some place else. It just shows that if you are real passionate about something, you can do it. And Håvard is one of those who sniff up the best undiscovered talent there is. Even in Australia.

Astriaal however, is kind of unknown even today. Wrong record label, perhaps.

Their blackended dethmetal shines. I can't sit still when it's a long time since I heard it. Even me without a single guitar skill instantly know there is some talent here. The quieter parts reminds me of Dissection, only Astriaal manages to keep the intensity and songwriting through a whole album.

Highly recommended and once again i'm reminded that they have a newer release from 2010 that i don't have. Better start looking for it.

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