Coffee Time Meditation #24 -- Oct. 2nd

“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that wont work.” — Thomas Edison

Thoughts on Today’s Quote

We are taught at an early age to be ashamed of failure. Winning is always given much higher esteem than failure.

The person who can embrace failure as a learning experience can pick it apart and determine either the cause of the failure or what could be done differently to try another approach.

It takes fortitude to keep trying. Other people will laugh at repeated failures, believing the person who continues to tackle the problem in search for a solution to be on a fools errand.

Thomas Edison ignored those who tried to dissuade him from trying anything. He doggedly persevered until he figured out what he was trying to solve. That doggedness resulted in an incredible number of patents on products that developed into technology you and I use every day decades later.

Do you give up easily when presented with a failed idea? Do you keep going until you solve the problem or try a time or two and then stop?

We humans tend to take the path of least resistance. It’s the rare person who digs in their heels and figures out the ways that wont work on the way to success.

Which person are you?

Who is Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. His insatiable curiousity as a student proved more than his teacher wanted to deal with and he left school after only a few months. His mother took on home teaching the boy. Once he learned to read, his ability to explore his world was unlimited.

His drive to tinker and experiment led to a chemical lab in his parents basement by the time he was ten. His mother soon objected to the odours coming from the lab and it was dismantled.

By the age of 15 he had setup and was running the first newspaper to be typeset and printed on a moving train. From there he learned to run a telegraph which introduced him to the world of electricity and sparked a lengthy career of experimenting and development of many of the forerunners of machines we use today.

In his lifetime he was awarded 1,368 separate patents on items like the incandescent lightbulb, phonographs, electrical systems, motion picture camera, talking movie systems, alkaline battery, mimeograph, voting machine etc.

He was hailed as the inventor of the electrical age. He died at age 84 on October 18th, 1931 - on the anniversary date of his invention of the incandescent bulb.

*I will try to find information on the author of the quotes I share. I wont always be successful.

Don’t know about you, but I find it interesting to know who the person was that anyone took the time to record or quote that person.*

About Coffee Time Meditation

I love being inspired by other people’s quotes. I thought I’d start sharing some quotes that inspire me along with my own thoughts the quote evokes within me. So, think of someone, like me, sitting quietly with the first fresh coffee of the day and mediating about the words of the quote. That would be me, or it could be you.

I invite you to share your own thoughts on the quote in the comments.

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Have a great day
Path to Success


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