What Will I Learn?
- You will learn about the BLoC or Business Logic Component Pattern
- You will learn about Stream Sinks
- You will learn about Stream Controllers and ReplaySubjects
- You will learn how to setup Broadcast Streams
- You will learn how to use Streams to query an API
System Requirements:
- IDEA intellij, Visual Studio Code with the Dart/Flutter Plugins, Android Studio or Xcode
- The Flutter SDK on the latest Master Build
- An Android or iOS Emulator or device for testing
OS Support for Flutter:
- Windows 7 SP1 or later (64-bit)
- macOS (64-bit)
- Linux (64-bit)
Required Knowledge
- A little understanding state management and functional programming
- A fair understanding of Mobile development and Imperative or Object Oriented Programming
- Some understanding of Rx or Streams
Resources for Flutter and this Project:
- Flutter Website:
- Flutter Official Documentation:
- Flutter Installation Information:
- Flutter GitHub repository:
- Flutter Dart 2 Preview Information:
- Flutter Technical Overview:
- Dart Website:
- Flutter Awesome GitHub Repository:
Flutter Logo (Google):
Elm Graph:
- Intermediate
Outline and Overview
In this Flutter Video Tutorial, we take a look at the BloC architecture pattern by building a movie search application. This application uses three primary streams for its business logic. One stream is fed into the BLoC component as the user inputs text into a text field. This stream then calls to the other two streams which call on the API and log the string being fed into them. They then rebuild parts of the widget tree to feed the data that is returned by the API to the User Interface.
Outline for this Tutorial
Item 1: The BloC Architecture
The BLoC architecture or the Business Logic Component Pattern is a new software pattern which was featured at Google's 2018 IO. The architecture was used in a few libraries and programs before the IO conference. The BLoC pattern allows for a seperation of the business logic of your application from your user interface by utilizing streams. We build all of our business logic with these streams which allows us to use Reactive libraries like RxDart. We can make streams which originate from the BLoC component and we can have streams that connect from the UI to the BloC.
In this image, we have a text field widget which connects to the block through a stream called query. We put the stream in the onChanged
property because we want to have this stream push the data to the BLoC after every single text event. We can use the add method to add this data to the Stream's Sink in the BloC.
Item 2: Stream Sinks, Controllers and ReplaySubjects
Our BLoC is made up of various different stream components. Two of the Streams are produced from the BLoC and we are able to define these streams with the basic stream type. One of our streams feeds into the BLoC and it is defined as a ReplaySubject; a special streamcontroller
which captures all of the events pushed to it and emits them to all observers and listeners that are subscribed to it. This ReplaySubject acts as the endpoint of this stream and we are able to connect to it using it's sink which is its destination.
In this image, we have all of the streams which are defined in the BLoC. We have three primary streams and three getter functions which allows us to get and use these streams outside of the BLoC. This style of definition allows us to further change the business logic by combining the streams in various different ways.
Item 3: Building Logic with Streams
Because the BLoC pattern demands that we use streams for our values, the business logic for the application is defined primarily in stream operations. In this case, we are able to use RxDart operations like distinct
and asyncMap
as well as withLatestFrom
to further specialize how these streams react with one another. We are also able to define these streams as Broadcast streams, streams which allow for multiple subscriptions. In the user interface layer we are able to use StreamBuilder
widgets to present the data to the user dynamically and we can use multiple StreamBuilder
widgets on the same stream.
Here you can see the constructor of our BLoC class. We take in the API use it to send data through the results
stream. We derive the results stream from the query
stream and specify that we only want distinct events from the query
stream which stops the API from being called when the user isn't adding or removing an item from the input box. The log
stream is derived from the query
and results
streams. The query
stream defines what will be displayed and the results
stream defines when it will be displayed.
The source code for this project can be found here
Video Tutorial
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