Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks.

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Introduction Sim Gif


Monday is a BIG day for the Steemit Roommates, as they are hoping to be getting promotions today. They have faced many trials during their journey. They have faced fires, and noisy neighbors. They have endured sore backs, and stale refrigerator, smelling food. Their toilet constantly needs repaired, and the game has given them lots to deal with, in a short period of time.

But, they have prevailed. The Steemit Roommates have been building their skills, going to work, and doing their daily tasks, that will hopefully be rewarded today. The further your Sims go up the career ladder, the harder it will become to level to the next promotion. The roommates have quickly leveled the first few levels of their career tracks.

They will need to continue managing their time, building their skills, going to work, and kissing butt.


We logged into the Steemit game and found that Sharyn has been bitten by a vampire.

I’m not sure what will happen to her now.

If she shuns the daylight and her hunger increases, we may have to leave her out on an iceberg somewhere, to live alone. Poor, little Sim. Such a shame, as she was so young.


No, I am kidding. What happened is, I logged into the game, and left my computer to make a grilled ham and cheese, and the vampire must have come in while I was gone. I reset the game, and made sure Sharyn was safe.

When you have the vampire pack, vampires will come into your Sims’ homes and bite them. When you have a Sim living alone, they are susceptible to being abducted by aliens during the night.

There is no way to stop this from happening. They live in a crazy Sim world. You can save your game when your Sims go to sleep, that way you can reverse the bite/abduction by resetting the game, and returning to your last save spot.


Everyone got off to work today without any problems. Now we will wait until they get home to see how much they make with the anticipated bonuses. Their household funds have been tottering around $14k, and they have not gotten this month’s bills yet.

When your Sim gets their bills, they will receive them in the mailbox. The apartments have the mailbox outside of the door. Once the bills are delivered, your Sims can pay them by going to the mailbox and sending the money. They can also use their cell phone to pay the bills.


During the day, Sharyn is assigned to the street, she has the choice of writing about parking meters, or unpainted zones. I picked unpainted zones, and then thugs from the department of parking enforcement paint Sharyn stinks, making Sharyn the laughing stock of the staff.

Stanley was confronted with a stinky co-worker, and had the choice to spray cologne, or confront the stinky person. I selected confront, and the stinky person lashed out at him. Stanley suffered from a small performance loss. Stanley is angry over the whole situation.


Sally had a better day at work than her roommates did. She was promoted today. I get to choose the branch for Sally. She can be an internet personality, or work in public relations.


As an internet personality, she will make less pay, but will only need to work four days a week. The public relations job pays very well, but she will need to work a steady corporate schedule, and longer hours. Sally is trying to rise to the top of her career, but she also wants to make the most money she can to contribute to the household funds.

The public relations will be Sally’s new job. Congratulations Sally!!!


By looking at the new career menu, we see that Sally will need to work harder to get her next promotion, community manager. She will need to have 500 followers on her social media, reach level 3 in writing, and network with journalists.


When Sally opens her social media from selecting the computer, she notices a few more options. She can now blog for followers, and network with journalists.

Blogging for followers will gradually increase Sally’s writing skill over time. If Sally wants to increase her writing skill consistently, she can select write, from the computer, where she can write a book, or practice writing.


Sharyn did not get promoted today, but she did receive an additional vacation day. Sims can use their vacation days when they are not in a good mood, or if they don’t want to go to work.

They can collect the vacation days and use them all consecutively. Sims will get paid for their vacations days, but their job performance will not increase while they are gone, and they will not be promoted unless they go back to work.


Stanley’s smelly tirade resulted in enough of a performance loss, that he did not get a promotion, but the funds he brought home today, brought the total household funds over $15k.

I was hoping they all got promoted today, but in the Sim world, as in life, shit happens. Maybe if only I would have sprayed cologne around the smelly person, Stanley would have gotten his raise.

I do think that since Sally now makes more money than Stanley, she should get to sleep in the nice double bed!


All the Steemit roommates had a long day, so they went to bed early, (before the neighbors started making noise) Sally decided she deserved to get a good night’s sleep, so she did take over the big, comfortable double bed.

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I hope you have learned more about playing the Sims. You may plan your Sim’s day the best you can, but the Sims 4 game will continue to throw encounters, and obstacles at you, to make the game more challenging. Knowing how to deal with these challenges, will make the game fun to play, and will help you later, when the game becomes more difficult.

I have been playing this game one day at a time, while writing. But you can get through the game faster than this, by playing longer. Always remember to save the game at least each night, so you do not lose your progress if the lights go out, or if Windows 10 decides to update your computer.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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