There is always someone keeping working out (part 19)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(十九)

An increasing number of people choose to lose weight in this current era of high-calorie food rampant times and the ways to lose weight vary from person to person, such as taking weight-loss pills, drinking slimming tea, doing exercise and even dieting. But when you do one thing, you need to fully understand it before. Otherwise, it is just the opposite to what you wishes.

Today I want to tell those who are losing weight that weight can not fully represent the effectiveness of weight loss and the key is to reduce body fat. Maybe someone will ask, “Isn't it good to reduce weight? Why should I pursue body fat rate?” Believe that the ultimate goal of weight loss is to keep healthy and you are expected to know what you are reducing.

Reduce fat: to reduce body fat or reduce fat content.
Lose weight: to lose fat, muscles, moisture and other parts.

So we can come to the conclusion that the only best way to lose weight is to exercise and control diets!

Those methods of taking medicine or dieting are very unscientific and unhealthy! The principle of most weight loss drugs is inhibiting your appetite and the amount of sleep through chemical substances to achieve the purpose of rapid consumption, which will consume the nutrients in your body. Fat is only a small part of it. Do not use medicine to lose weight. Being on a diet will be most likely to harm your stomach, which is not advisable. Instead, Losing weight through reasonable exercise can't be any side effects. It will only consume your fat, and the valuable parts in your body won't be lost.

Hope you understand that whichever way you choose, that your weight is reduced does not mean you have adopted a correct way. Maybe you think it most important to become slimmer, but at this moment, so-called beauty will be at the cost of your health.

Chapter directory 章节目录

Chapter 章节Content 内容
1brief introduction about fitness 健身初章
2exercise for musculus triceps brachii & pectoral muscles 肱三头肌和胸肌练习
3advanced exercise for musculus tricpes brachii 肱三头肌的高级练习
4how to do pull-ups 引体向上
5warm-up and stretching exercise  热身与拉伸
6fitness plan and some precautions  健身计划与注意事项
7how to train abdominal muscles(part 1) 腹肌训练(一)
8how to train abdominal muscles(part 2) 腹肌训练(二)
9how to train abdominal muscles(part 3) 腹肌训练(三)
10how to train biceps(part 1) 肱二头肌训练(一)
11how to train biceps(part 2) 肱二头肌训练(二)
12how to train the anterior deltoid 三角肌前束练习
13how to train the middle deltoid 三角肌中束练习
14how to train the posterior deltoid 三角肌后束练习
15exercise for latissimus dorsi muscle 背阔肌练习
16elbow plank 平板支撑
17what is RM? 什么是RM值?
18running 跑步
19a healthy way to lose weight 健康的减肥方式

This post just represents my personal opinion. Without permission, it is strictly prohibited reproduced.

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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