Dream Diary - 6/12/17

Morning All!

I’m still suffering from a lack of sleep! Three days on the trot! I feel like I’m dying! I do not do well when I haven’t slept well. To cut a long story short, I ended up in my newly made up bed and I was sooooo comfy, however, all I heard was a banging all night. It sounded like at first van doors closing. Then as it carried on every 30 mins or so, it sounded like a fence door banging in the wind. It only adorned on me this morning that it might have been my door. Low and behold it was! The men from the flooring company must have left it open and there I was cursing all my neighbours! Hey ho, I still managed to have some dreams with what I did manage from last night. Just a word of warning, my last dream is of a sexual nature, so read it at your own risk.

Wednesday 6th December 2017

I dreamed my husband was talking to our neighbour about light fittings. I was in bed and I could hear them talk outside the window. They were having a laugh and a joke as well. Probably about me! My husband came back indoors and he had a large bag that was full of these small white electrical cubes. I have no idea what they are for, neither do I want to know what my husband is up to.

I dreamed I was at a BMW garage. I came across a car in the showroom that I quite fancied. It was red and sleek. It had a black interior and was the dashboard was full of gadgets. It looked like it was a simulator on the inside with the amount of knobs and switches. There were so many colourful lights on the screen as well. It was very different to anything that I had seen before. I was looking at the screen and I was trying to set the Sat-Nav. Took me ages to set the destination. Just as I finished a salesman opened the door and said I had to get out as there were 2 boys (aged about 9yrs old) who had made arrangements to spend time with the car. I was gutted! First of all I was going to buy that car and secondly, I just spent my whole entire life setting the Sat-Nav!!! I was not a happy bunny!!!

Then I dreamt I was in a house. My brother in law was there. He had his twin baby girls in two cots that were next to each other. He picked up one of them and spent a lot of time with her. I was sat in a chair and I had lots of kittens around me. I loved picking them up and putting them in my lap. It was like a blanket of kittens on my lap. I was much more comfortable sat there than being with babies. Then my brother in law put the baby down back in the cot and put his hand on the chest of the other one and gave her a wiggle.

I dreamed I heard my neighbour from next door. He had a tradesman in his house and he was shouting at him. I could hear him shout things like ”Every fucking time you give me a quote, you do this!” I have no idea what ’this’ is . He was shouting and cursing at the man. I was in my house and I could hear him shout all this through the walls. I said to my husband ”I have never heard him blow up like that before!”

Finally I dreamed I was in my bedroom. It wasn’t my real bedroom, but in my dream it was. I was vey horny and I just wanted some action before I had to get up for work. It was quite light outside. It looked more like a sunny, spring morning. I wanted my husband to use a sex toy on me. Not with his hands though. I wanted him to attach it to a drill and then use it on me. I wanted it everywhere imaginable. I did tell him to be careful though. The last thing I want is for my ’lady bits’ to be damaged, especially with a huge electric drill bit! That would be more than painful!!!

There we have it. Even with a lack of sleep, I have the craziest dreams! My brother in law did recently have a baby girl, but not twins. I don’t know why I dreamed about my neighbour shouting. He usually talks pretty calmly. In actual fact, I saw him this morning as he took his dog for a walk. we had a brief pleasant chat. What’s with the sex dream though? Brings a whole new meaning to being drilled! So what do we make of this?

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

5/12/17 | 4/12/17 | 3/12/17 | 2/12/17 | 1/12/17

30/11/17 | 29/11/17 | 28/11/17 | 27/11/17 | 26/11/17 | 25/11/17 | 24/11/17 | 23/11/17 | 22/11/17 | 21/11/17 | 20/11/17 | 19/11/17 | 18/11/17 | 17/11/17 | 16/11/17 | 15/11/17 | 14/11/17 | 13/11/17 | 12/11/17 | 11/11/17 | 10/11/17 | 9/11/17 | 8/11/17 | 7/11/17 | 6/11/17 | 5/11/17 | 4/11/17 | 3/11/17 | 2/11/17 | 1/11/17

31/10/17 | 30/10/17 | 29/10/17 | 28/10/17 | 27/10/17 | 26/10/17 | 25/10/17 | 24/10/17 | 23/10/17 | 22/10/17 | 21/10/17 | 20/10/17 | 19/10/17 | 18/10/17 | 17/10/17 | 16/10/17 | 15/10/17 | 14/10/17 | 13/10/17 | 12/10/17 | 11/10/17 | 10/10/17 | 9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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