Story: Matthew and the Dragons ( Part XXIV)





Matthew is in a dilema. Several pairs of fierce looking eyes are looking at him in predatory manners. He did not know how it all began. Was it because he refuses a certain potion girl's offer to go shopping? Or was it because he ran away from a certain archer girl's attempt to teach him archery? ...or maybe, it was because of a certain black-haired female assassin who is currently seating on his lap?!

"L-look, it is not what you think!" He tried to explain, "she just seat on my lap on her own! I don't even know how she get in!!!"

Amy and Aria just look at Matthew and Maria coldly, not saying a single word—putting Matthew in a bind. Worst still, the main culprit seemed like she wanted to see the world burn!

"Eh? But I just went in the door? It's not even lock," said a certain black-haired assassin that cannot read the mood!

Matthew flares up and said, "it's my room, and I have no reason to lock it!"

"Is that so? Then it's fine, because that mean I am invited~" the dense as rock female assassin replied.

Matthew face palmed at this, they're not just in the same wavelenght! What happened to the calculative, cold, and fierce assassin from the forest of gloom? When did she turned into an airhead? Miss, you're ruining the image of all assassins I had in my mind!

Fortunately, his efforts paid of and was able to convince the reluctant Maria to not seat on his lap. Though, deep inside his heart, he too felt like it's a shame. After all, it's not very often that a girl took the initiative to be intimate with him—especially if the girl involved was someone as beautiful as Maria. Of course, this was merely a thought.

After everything calmed down, Matthew asked Maria the reason for her visit.

"Reason?" Maria.ponders, "I can't think of anything!"

"What the— don't tell me you just decide ro visit on a whim?" Matthew asked.

"Exactly~" she replies playfully.

Matthew could only sigh at this, he's already aware of her personality. He knows that as long as she doesn't wear the mantle of an assassin, she's a very playful and nonchalant young lady. But if he knows that Maria is only like that in front of him and is usually cold and aloof, he'll be very surprised.

"Well that's fine too," Matthew said.

After obtaining Matthew's permission, Maria started wandering around the workshop, looking curiosly at all the strange tools inside the workshop. Everytime she sees something she could not understand, she'll start pestering Matthew about it and to the annoyance of Aria and Amy.

While a certain assassin girl was satisfying her curiosity, some very important event is unfolding. In a certain valley a powerful dragon is issuing a loud roar!


This dragon is none other than the black dragon! After a difficult battle with the silver dragon, the black dragon sustained grave injuries and was forced to temporarily halt his plan to bring the kingdom to its knees!

Though, he was not able to cause havok by himself, he did caused some chaos thanks to his dragon and human allies. But the constant defeat of his subordinates angered him. His pride would not let him accept defeat and vengeance must be served! Therefore, after recovering his injuries, the black dragon summoned his forces. The kingdom and everything in it shall be his!

After the tremendously loud roar, the black dragon puffed his chest and then breath out a huge black fireball into a mountain—pulvurizing the whole mountain and every living and non-living being in it—including the scouts hiding inside!

"Pest!" Growled the black dragon.

He then flew into the sky and ordered his forces to march forward. Destruction following on the army's wake.

While this is happening, the silver dragon, woke up from his slumber and he too issue a ferocious roar as if answering to the black dragon's challenge!

"The black dragon is now awake! My kin and allies, it's time to battle!" He declares.

And so the final battle that will decide the fate of a certain kingdom is about to commence...

To be continued...


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