Minty Smoothie to Combat Hormonal Acne

Near having your period? Seeing acne attacking your flawless skin? I know some who suffer from hormonal acne on their backs but in my case they seem to have my wide forehead as their favorite place to sprout on. Like mushrooms that came out of the blue they just appear overnight, a week before that time of the month comes ... specially when I take caramel macchiato that has much milk in it. Yes, unfortunately, milk encourages acne attacks.

A week before my period, my body must be actively producing sebum which could cause blockage in my pores - hence the hormonal acne. In other women's case, they suffer from hair growth. I don't so I can't really complain. It's just acne and thanks God for creating spearmint.

Some studies prove that taking spearmint twice a day can help you fight hormonal acne.

Health experts claim that if we take it twice on a daily basis ... for a week or two it could reduce the sebum production of our body because that is its antiandrogenic effect. You may take it in tea but I prefer to take it on an empty stomach so I incorporated it in my smoothie.

Well, unless you're a guy or you're allergic to spearmint, I won't recommend taking this on a daily basis. Spearmint isn't good for male, it could damage your testicular tissues and if you would want to have children you'd better not take this cause it could lessen the sperm count and worse - it could lower your libido.

You're a woman and suffering from hormonal acne? Why don'y you give it a try and just don't overdo it since - too much of everything is never good. The key is balance. I suffer from hormonal acne a week before my period. That's the only time I take it.

What's in it?

Just follow these steps.

'Course you could use other fruits like red berries, persimmon, avocado, kiwi and the likes instead of mandarin and banana.

What does it taste like? Something like that of a very light minty crème brûlée with a balance sweetness and a popping sensation created by the sweet pieces of pomegranate.

Want one? Make one!

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