Recipe and FoodPhotos: Lemon Muffins with Banana

Today was a very cloudy day with rain, I did not want to go to the street, and I was looking for bright sun and good mood, so I decided to dilute the gray routine with a tasty and bright dessert.

These delicate muffins I prepared in a special way in metal cups. I wanted as I already said a bright color and of course an excellent taste and I decided to put together a banana and lemon peel in a test, that it seems to me that these ingredients perfectly combine together.

As you know I love simple and fast pastries with impeccable taste and beautiful look and try to surprise you with all the new recipes.


Flour - 125 g

Eggs - 3 pieces.

Banana - 1 pc.

Lemon - 1 pc.

Sugar - 75 g

Baking Powder - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, combine eggs with sugar until lush.

Bananas cut into slices, grate lemon zest on a grater and add to the egg mass.

Flour with a baking powder, sift through a sieve and mix with a pitch mixture. You should get a little batter.

Gently lay the dough into metal molds.

Bake muffins at a temperature of 175 degrees 10-15 minutes.

The muffins serve to the table still hot, so they are much tastier and more fragrant. Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

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