Vanilla Muffins(FoodPhotos and Recipe).

Friends, today I want to show you an excellent recipe for cooking muffins. Muffins are very delicious, as well as simple pastries, which you can cook at least every day.

Muffins are also beautiful in that each time you can add different tastes to the dough, thereby creating different muffins each time and this particular creativity of cooking.

Today, I added vanilla to the dough and so I got very fragrant and delicious vanilla muffins.

As an ornament, I used marshmallows and strawberry jam to give muffins a more attractive look.


  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Baking Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Flour - 280 g
  • Vanilla - 15 g
  • Salt - pinch
  • Milk - 75 ml
  • Butter - 125 g


  • Mix the softened butter with sugar until lush.
  • Gradually add the eggs and mix again.
  • In another bowl, mix all the dry ingredients with flour, baking powder, vanilla and salt.
  • Combine the egg mass with the flour mix and mix well.
  • Add the milk and reapply everything.
  • The form for muffins with butter and place 3/4 layers of dough into each mold.
  • Bake muffins at a temperature of 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

As a result, you will get just wonderful, delicious and also very beautiful muffins, which you will certainly want to eat :-).

Bon Appetit!

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