Hi friends,
Hope this finds you well and yeeesss it's TGIF!! Woo-hoo ๐๐๐๐
I spent the better half of my day at my son's school this morning to arvo, so only now I could update my 30 Days of Indonesia series, and to post what traditional sweet I had last night, for Day 16 of Ramadhan fasting month.
What I have here is a famous dessert from Sulawesi, called Klappertaart. It is basically coconut tart and it is a very delish Dutch-influenced dessert.
It is so easy to make and whether you serve it warm or chilled, what custard-like dessert isn't good, am I right? Well, unless you dislike custard, that is ๐คฃ
Here is how I made this delightful coconut tart, which half of it was gone by my 8 yo alone ๐ฎ
- 1 bag frozen young coconut meat (454 g), thawed
- 150 ml nut milk
- 100 ml coconut water
- 3 tbsp each of sugar, all purpose flour, cornstarch
- 1 tbsp vegan margarine
- raisins, as needed
- slivered almond, as needed
- 1/4 tsp each cinnamon powder and Dutch cocoa powder
how to
- preheat oven to 350 F
- in a pot, mix milk, water, flours, sugar, then bring to boil in medium heat, stirring continuously to thicken, then stir in margarine
- stir in coconut
- pour mixture into an aluminum foil lined pan, give some raisins and almonds
- bake for 20 mins, let cool
- sprinkle with cinnamon+cocoa mixture before serving
Enjoy ๐๐๐๐
NOTE: to see previous days on this series, scroll down after the Indonesian translation
Ssiiik aaasiiikkk, hari Jum'at, besok libur akhir pekan, woo-hoo ๐
Kemarin aku buat klappertart dan eng ing eeeennng. Anakki yang sulung hampir menghabiskan seluruhnya ๐คฃ Nyaris dia lupa kalau mak-nya kelaparan ๐คฃ
Klappertart-ku agak berbeda dari yang di Indonesia, karena seperti biasa, aku tidak menggunakan telur maupun produk hewani lainnya dalam masakanku. Tapi dijamin enak kok, yuk dicoba ๐ค
- 1 bungkus kelapa muda beku, dalam suhu ruangan, tiriskan
- 150 ml susu cair (seperti kedelai misalnya)
- 100 ml air kelapa
- @ 3 sdm gula pasir, terigu, maizena
- 1 sdm margarin
- kismis secukupnya, almond secukupnya
- 1/4 sdt kayu manis bubuk dicampur dengan 1/4 sdt coklat bubuk
cara membuat
- panaskan oven pada 350 F
- campur susu, air kelapa, gula, terigu, maizena hingga rata, didihkan pada aoi sedang hingga mengental
- masukkan margarin, aduk
- masukkan kelapa, aduk
- tuang pada loyang, beri taburan kismis dan kacang almond
- panggang 20 menit
- biarkan dingin, taburi kayu manis dan coklat bubuk
Bagi yang mau unggah foto makanan/minuman sahur dan takjilmu, gunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Dengan senang hati akan aku kunjungi blog-mu dan akan aku upvote tentunya ๐. Siapapun boleh ikutan, baik kamu berpuasa ataupun hanya ingin memeriahkan Steemit nuansa Ramadan ๐Resteem yah, biar teman lainnya kecipratan rejeki sedikit upvote-an dariku โค
Day 1 - Srikaya Roti Pisang - Bread Pudding
Day 2 - Kue Talam Labu Kuning - Pumpkin Cakelettes
Day 3 - Es Kolak Kolang Kaling - Toddy Palm Fruit Ice
Day 4 - Roti Pisang - Banana Cake
Day 5 - Es Pisang Ijo - Green Banana Ice
Day 6 - Es Blewah - Cantaloupe Drink
Day 7 - Dugo Aceh - Glutinous Rice Cake
Day 8 - Pisang Coklat - Sweet 'Spring' Rolls
Day 9 - Kue Pancong - Rice Flour Cakelettes
Day 10 - Kue Kacamata - Unicorn Slice
Day 11 - Kue Mangkok - Chinese Cup Cakes
Day 12 - Es Bengkuang - Jicama Ice
Day 13 - Bubur Candil - Glutinous Balls Dessert
Day 14 - Es Cendol - Worm Jelly Ice
Day 15 - Serabi Kuah - Pancake with Sauce
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