Playing the Sims- Change of Plans

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Legacy Challenge

I have good news, and bad news.

The bad news is, I lost all the progress of the Steemit roommates. Yes, it was traumatic. But, I’m okay now. Thanks for asking.

I started a new game, and the Steemit roommates were reset. I did not mean to do this.

The good news is, I did not lose my Legacy Sim, Victoria Steem. She will now become my main toon!

It’s been difficult trying to play more than one game at a time. This will give me more time to level Victoria, and move on to more generations. I will check the Sim Legacy Challenge website, for the rules of getting married, and having offspring.


The succession laws for the legacy challenge are gender law, bloodline law, heir law, and species law.

Gender Law- I chose Equality- The founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.

Bloodline Law- I chose Traditional- Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are only eligible to be heir, if no natural born heirs are born in that generation.

Heir Law- I chose Democracy- Used if you are displaying your Legacy challenge in some public way. The heir is chosen by your readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.

Species Law- Those who have the Sims 4 Get to Work- I chose Xenophobic- Heirs cannot be a different species from the founder.


Spouses can be added from the gallery, by searching #legacyloves. They can also be added from available Sims in the neighborhood. If you decided to create a Sim, you can upload them to the gallery with the #legacyloves tag.

The new spouse cannot bring any money with them. If they do bring any money with them, using a money cheat, will reduce the family’s household funds to the original amount, before the merge.

The children’s traits will be random. There is a Calculator provided to randomize those traits when the toddler grows into a child, and then again when the kid grows into a teen.


Meet Jack Steem, our newest Sim addition to the Steem family. You can think of this as a prearranged marriage, or perhaps Victoria found him on a dating site, but Victoria Steem is now married. Congratulations to the Steem family.

Now they need to get busy and start making babies.


Since, we added Jack Steem to the household from the Create-a-Sim feature, he has not contributed to the household funds, and the amount is the same as before the merge. I added Jack as Victoria’s spouse, and she already has both a friendship, and a romantic relationship with him.

Since, Victoria is only 2 days away from becoming an adult, I made Jack an adult. He will begin with no skills, and Victoria is the only Sim he knows. His aspiration is to become an expert gardener.

With two incomes, these Sims will have a better chance of building their home faster than when Victoria was living alone.

They do need a double bed now…


Jack showed up just in time to repair the toilet, so that was nice for Victoria. He also cleaned up the mess while she took a nap. It might be nice to have a man around the house, to lift the heavy stuff and all.

While Victoria is at work, Jack will go fishing. I don’t want to tie him down to a career yet, since the last time I played Victoria, she made over $500 fishing.

Victoria has mushrooms for Jack to plant. This will help Jack level up his gardening skill, and complete steps towards his life goal of becoming an expert gardener.


Jack found a nice spot to fish behind the Steem property. He loves the outdoors, so he will be happy with his life of fishing and gardening!

This also gives me something to do when Victoria is at work. It can be boring for the player when the Sims are at work.

If you choose to play multiple Sims, having a Sim stay home, will allow you to play one, while the other works.

This makes the game interesting, and your stay-at-home Sim can work on building skills, or relationships, while the other Sim is working.


Jack didn’t do bad his first-time fishing. He caught a few little fish and received a confident buff. We sent him home to cook macaroni and cheese.

He doesn’t have high cooking skills, so there might be a fire. I have installed a smoke alarm, just in case, but he really can’t afford to be burning down the house his first day there.

In the Sim Legacy Challenge, you are not allowed to reset the game if a terrible event, such as a fire, happens. You must play through the events, and then recover the best way you can.


With some rearranging, I could fit a double bed into the home. I had to make the room bigger, by dragging the walls. If your Sims can not get into bed, they will not be able to sleep. I needed both enough room to fit the bed, and room on three sides of the bed, so that the Sims will be able to reach the bed. I sold one of the counters to give them more space.

I will not be keeping points for this legacy challenge, but if you would like to read the Scoring, here ya go.

I hope you have learned more about the Sims legacy challenge, and the rules about succession laws, and gameplay rules of the challenge. I also hope you aren’t too disappointed that the Steemit roommates have been replaced by the Sim Girl Legacy Challenge.

This change will, I think, result in a more interesting story. It may also help beginners develop ways of learning how to play their Sims with little, to no funds.

If nothing else it should make us feel grateful for our homes, and everything we have been able to do in our lives.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

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For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?
Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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