19th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 31 weeks, check out this daily routine


Welcome to your last phase of motherhood, your baby is adding more weight and this may probably affect your walk steps. You are in your last week of seven months congratulations to you baby is coming in less than 8 weeks time. I know you are curious 😊 that's how a caring mother should feel at the time, let's first of all review how the baby will is at this week.

PREGNANCY AT 31 WEEKS (7 months)

You are in your 31 week and your baby is maturing, the bones are getting stronger and flexible. Your baby is making hiccups, swallowing, sucking and moving The brain is maturing too, the length is 40.3cm, the eyelids blinks in response to light. The lungs is maturing and the baby continue to learn breathing skills, the fine hair that covers your baby (lunogu) will gradually loss at this week, nervous system are completing it's development. Baby is kicking frequently but the chances of somersault is low as there is no enough space in your uterus as the baby is growing big day by day. Brain connections are developing at a faster pace which is enabling the baby to produce billions of them, this helps in processing information, tracking light and perceiving signals from all five senses therefore the five senses is developing too. Although your fetus can not really perceive the much smell of now, but they can smell the food you eat and the taste through the amniotic fluid and they are gradually getting use to your body smell of which will be used to identify you as the mother at birth. The baby sleep more often now too and stretches more when wakes up.

What to expect

Your body at this week has really changed you look really like a pregnant woman now, bumps is growing big now, your nose 👃 is now big, dark skin, stretch marks and itchy skin, swollen legs. But do not be afraid you can handle all this as long as your little prince/princess is doing fine you are will be a fine woman again after giving birth, so rather than dwelling on the changes focus on your pretty little one that is growing. Let's check what you need to do to stay healthy at this stage.

What to do

Stay hydrated at all time, drink a lot of water and have enough rest. Eat fruits and vegetables, build your PCV with prenatal vitamins Do not fail your daily exercise routine, let's see what that involves


Check out your daily routine know what you should do daily
  • Check your vitals if you have your test kits at home such as sugar level and blood pressure to know if you are fine.

  • Always count the number of times your baby kicks in
    a day regularly, it should be at least 10 times in two hours time, so pay attention for 4 to 5 kicks in an hour to feel the kicks and know your baby is sound and healthy.

  • Do your kegel every time.

  • Start natural induction of labor (NIL) which includes walking for 20 to 30 mins. I will talk more on this from 36 weeks.

  • Take your supplements with your warm drinks before your food.

  • Always, wake your system up with warm or hot water, tea or chocolate and a bowl of warm or hot cereal. Oats meals is very good for helping you defecate, add fruits and take them regularly to prevent constipation.


As your due date approaches, do well to follow all daily routine and eat what you need to eat. Very important monitor your PCV and be sure you are okay. Next week I will talk about very important topic which is natural induction of labor I will explain the important of it and how you should do it and when you should start. See you next week.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18



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