Daily Inspiration #32 - Steven King - Get to Work

Daily Inspiration #32
Steven King
Get to Work
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Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, many of which have been adapted into feature films, miniseries, television shows, and comic books. King has published 54 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and six non-fiction books. He has written nearly 200 short stories, most of which have been collected in book collections. Many of his stories are set in his home state of Maine. His novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption was the basis for the movie The Shawshank Redemption which is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time.

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While I was never a fan of horror really, this guy was really a great writer.

He's really written a lot also.

Something he said that I found inspiring was:

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration,
the rest of us just get up and go to work."

Well, as cocky as that may sound, he is really right.

It happens a lot ya know.

We find ourselves waiting around for something to inspire us toward our next step and not actually getting anywhere.

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However something magical happens when we just dive right into something, inspiration or not...

Things begin to show themselves!

We attract things to us that relate to what we are focusing on in the moment.

We find things that will inspire us to go that small step further until eventually we are finished with whatever we were working on.

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The inspiration will, often times, come from the act of starting!

Now, there are times that, simply put, it's not the right time.

However, I think you'll find that much more of the time we are just fooling ourselves into believing that.

Take this blog for example...

I have chosen to do this thing every day.

There are days when I wake up and have no inspiration at all.

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I could wait, but what I've found is that when I just start, things come to me.

Before you know it, you guys are reading it and the rest is history.

Now, I am not saying to rush through things.

Rushing ahead in life usually only leaves you behind.

I'm saying have the grit to just dig in and start.

Don't sit around.

Trust that your inner self will give you direction once you are engulfed by the work you've set out to do.

So the next time you are short on inspiration, try just starting the project.

You may just surprise yourself!

If it helps you, remember what Steven King said:

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration,
the rest of us just get up and go to work."

Then dive in and get to work!

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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