LoveFriday initiated by @liliana.duarte - Why don’t I buy much anymore? Because I want to break free!

Hi, there!

Today is #LoveFriday day, by @liliana.duarte, yeye! And I'm bringing you another writing of mine :)) hope you enjoy it!

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Why don’t I buy much anymore? Because I want to be free! I want to break free! This might make no sense at all, but after giving it a little though, it makes all the sense. At least, for me!

Let me explain. We all see ads and more ads, everywhere, especially when we live in developed countries, like mine, Portugal.
It’s ads all around, advertising the last model of this and that, appealing to people, that go and buy, spending their savings or, worst getting loans to afford them.

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Well, for me they are useless. I don’t buy much anymore. I’ve already told you the reasons before, in another post… but now I just wanted to underline why.

I don’t buy things. I became an enjoyer of the best things in life, which are free: feelings, nature, people, smells, touches.

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And I want to save. To save as much as I can so I am able to never work again, after ending my current job. I want to be free. I want to WORK on things I really love and have been postponing all my life. I think people should be able to retire early in their lives, so they can really enjoy doing the things they love! Unless they have already a job of their dreams, their passion. But I think these cases are true exceptions. Lucky them!

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I want to do lots of things that require no schedules, that require freedom. I want to travel. I want to visit my friends around the world. I want to save money, and spend the less I can on stuff I don’t really need, in order to spend time with the things I'm passionate about, like photography, friendship, gathering!

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Gathering! Aw, beautiful word, though almost vanished from my vocabulary! I want to spend time with my kids. More and more, I want to be with them! I want to be free! I want to break free!

So, here is my Hymn today!

Thanks for reading this post, thanks for spreading the LOVE, thanks for your support in this LoveFriday!

Happy Friday!

Photos: Mother and child, Le Jardin Secret, Marrakech, Morocco.

Hippiesoul @nolasco

Proud to be a member of The Steemians Directory



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If you liked this LoveFriday e wanted to know about the previous ones, press the links below:

On my journey to mindfulness

Insights often spring from a clash of ideas (ENG/PT)

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger (ENG/PT)

Don't be judgmental (ENG/PT)

Love is everywhere (ENG/PT)

O meu amor pela minha @ginga

Pões-te a jeito, levas!

A vida numa foto a Preto e Branco

When we have special friends (ENG/PT)

My revolution gray (ENG/PT)

My Luna

Porque gosto do Steemit

Até sempre, Portugal!

Happy 2018! (ENG/PT)

Let life smile at you (ENG/PT)

The wonderful Portuguese poetry (ENG/PT)

No one is born ready (ENG/PT)

Butterflies (ENG/PT)

The meaning of all (ENG/PT)

Inspiration (ENG/PT)

An Angel, Part II Mr. Kong (ENG/PT)

Longing what haven't lived (ENG/PT)

Carpe Diem (ENG/PT)

Cuddles (ENG/PT)

The hability to forgive (ENG/PT)

Love is enjoying every moment (ENG/PT)

Love in the form of friendship (ENG/PT)

My homeland (ENG/PT)

My daughter (ENG/PT)

The love for music (ENG/PT)

If you love somebody set them free (ENG/PT)

Friday, I'm in love...

Sunsets are more beautiful on Fridays (ENG/PT)

An ode to Portugal my homeland (ENG/PT)

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