Album of the Day #18 Ufomammut/Lento -Super Naturals Record One

My Album of the day column came to a abrupt halt some time ago. It's time to bring it back. And this time with something special. Ufomammut is an Italian stoner/psych trio. The last couple of years well known for their hypnotic performances. Lento is totally unknown unless you follow the underground like I do. Supernatural is their collaboration album while they still where on the same label, Supernatural Cat.

Ufomammut/Lento -Super Naturals Record One (2007)

I've been praying for a sequel to this collaboration. Ufomamut and Lento has two different approaches to their music and together I find them to really excel. Lento with emphasis on the guitar riff, Ufomammut on the bass riff and drums. Both interesting in their own right, together, pure dynamite.

I would almost consider this a instrumental album. It has some vocal parts, but in Ufomammut tradition this is merely chanting. The informed listener might also recognise quotes from Chales Manson.

This has been on heavy rotation for years in my iTunes library. I have the CD, which is beautifully screenprinted on grey cardboard. A real treat to pick up when I'm in that mood.


  1. Infect One
  2. Down
  3. Painful Burns Smoke as the Presence Sets Us Down in Supersonic Waves
  4. Maestoso
  5. The Overlord
  6. Infect Two

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