Relationship Tips #14 Learn the Easiest Love Language and Most Common in All Ladies

Receving Gifts is one of the easiest love language because All you need is buy or make a gift that your partner likes.

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It is not the gift or price that matters.

What matters is the intention and thoughts behind the gift.
The Gift became a Symbol of Love.

An angry wife threw out a wedding ring, signifies a marriage in danger. Why? What meaning does the wedding ring carries?
The ring is a symbol of love and unifying lives of her and her husband. The ring means the marriage itself. Throwing it out literally means, she is throwing out the marriage.

Why does a gift carries so much meaning?

I am not a gift receiving person, so this question has been boggling me.

The meaning comes from the intention and thought of the giver and receiver. Let's take a Rose as an example.

My boyfriend gave me a card. It is a hand-made card.

This card carries a deep meaning to me.

  • It is given to me during our first Valentine's.
  • He hand-crafted the card, meaning he took time and effort to make it instead of just buying it
  • He chose to hand-craft the card
  • He chose words that will melt my heart
  • When he gave it to me, it is a total surprise!
  • It took him 1 hour to make and some hours to brainstorm and research, that means during those times he is thinking of me!

All these time, effort, situation, choice of action make up the meaning of a gift.

This card became one of our symbol of love.

When a gift carries such deep meaning, it became a Reminder of Love and Hate

The card is re-living the exact moment he gave me the card, how happy I was when I receive it, I hugged him, we're wishing each other Happy Valentine's Day, how much time he took to make it and all the love he poured into the card.

I put it in a very visible place, because I want to be reminded of his love.

The card became my Reminder of His Love.

A gift is so strong that one look at it immediately triggers all the memories. It is much stronger if a gift reminds you of sad memories. You feel like crying the moment you see it. You just want to throw it away, get it out of your sight. Eventually, you hate the gift because you hate the memories.

Note: Read the situation very well like when, where, what and how you give the present. Because all those make up the meaning.

This can be done by anyone! By You!

GIF Source

It's easy, and even easier if you use these tips that I've learned from The 5 Love Language book.

  1. If you don't know what present to buy, just take your partner for a walk in a shopping district, mall or any places that she likes to go. Observe what caught her eyes. Note it down. You will roughly knows what she likes and you already can buy presents to her liking.
  2. If you think you're financially tight, Make a gift. If she wants a box to contain her accessories, make that box. Tutorials are everywhere.
  3. Surprise is a very important element. Give it at the least expected time and place (but apppropriate). A "Oh my god!" moment is good.
  4. Be Creative! You can give multiple boxes and only 1 box contains the present. She has to open every single box or guess which box has the present. Try different ways to find out how she enjoys receiving the present.

Now, you have the ability to fill up your partner's love tank more effectively and easier!

Gift of Things is not the only Gift you can give. Gift of Self is another dialect that you learn, if you must.

I will cover more about Gift of Self in the next post. Stay tuned!

Share in the comments below on your thoughts,

  1. In your opinion, what gifts your partner have always wanted or needed?
  2. What kind of surprises you will make when giving gifts?
  3. What difficulties are you facing when giving gifts?

This Relationship Tips series include practical how's and what's of speaking your partner's love language. If your partner's love language is Physical Touch and Quality Time, I will share firsthand experiences of what I've done and its results :)

Relationship Tips is one of my initiative to help people improve their relationship based on a book I was reading The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and my experiences.

Check out my series here:

Getting Started with Love Language

Relationship Tips #1: Know Your Partner's Love Language Here!
Relationship Tips #2: How to keep the love tank full, or most of the time full?
Relationship Tips #3: Is This "In Love" or "Real Love"?

Love Language #1 Words of Affirmation

Relationship Tips #4:How to Express Love with Words of Encouragement
Relationship Tips #5: How to Express Love with Words of Kindness
Relationship Tips #6: How to Express Love with Requests, not Demands
Relationship Tips #7: 7 Best Ways to Show Love With WORDS

Love Language #2 Quality Time

Relationship Tips #8 Do You have Time for Your Love?
Relationship Tips #9 How to Show Love by Giving Focussed Attention?
Relationship Tips #10 How to Show Love by Listening?
Relationship Tips #11 How to Reveal Yourself? (Yes, this is an act of love)
Relationship Tips #12 You Can Make Time!

Love Language #3 Receiving Gifts

Relationship Tips #13 Is her love language "Receiving Gifts" or she's just plainly materialistic?
Relationship Tips #14 Learn the Easiest Love Language and Most Common in All Ladies

I believe having a good relationship will carve a positive path in all areas of your life. This belief is backed up by an 80 year-old research by Harvard University.

@tifaong writes simple and positive practices and ideas that you can learn (or re-learn) and apply in your life immediately. She covers life lessons, self-help, relationships, positive thinking self-love. Her mission is to spread positivity so that we can live a happier life.

Check out her profile here to find out more 😁

She has committed to post daily, so rest assured that you will find something new everyday.

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