Dream Diary - 26/12/17 Boxing Day

Morning Everyone,

Last night I had the most awful dream. To be truthful, it wasn’t a dream or what I could really call a nightmare. It was the most terrible night I have every come across in my whole entire life. Read on to find out more.

Tuesday 26th December 2017 - Boxing Day

This was the most horrific experience I have ever encountered. It definitely wasn’t a bad dream or a nightmare. The only way I can describe it was that I was on the brink of entering ’Hell’. Everything was black with different shades of greys appearing and disappearing. I heard noises that even I find hard to describe. My ears were already ringing when I went to bed. It was that really high pitched sound like a kettle on a stove whistling to say it’s boiled.

I had the sound of the ringing in my ears and it was getting louder and louder. The other noises I heard was like a groaning ghoul. It wasn’t the one ’voice’ I heard. I heard loads of them. I was shouting for my husband. I couldn’t pronounce his name. The noise I made was like I had no teeth and my mouth was having a spasm. Even my voice sounded like a deep evil spirit. I couldn’t move either. My body was is complete paralysis. I have suffered sleep paralysis hundreds of times throughout my life and I know it wasn’t that.

It actually felt like I had no body at all! I was just there in mind. Everything felt numb and I couldn’t move. My breath became very short. I’m surprised I could even breathe at all. The noises of the ghouls and the ringing just went up in volume to its maximum level. I was crying out for my husband to rescue me. I couldn’t move and it felt like I was going to die! I knew this was the end and my life was over.

Suddenly I woke up. I couldn’t believe I was awake and sitting up in bed. I was so shaken. What had I just witnessed? I ran into the other bedroom where my husband was sleeping and I shook him and called his name to wake up. I was so frightened! He didn’t know what was going on. He thought I had a bad dream. This was not a bad dream!!! I tried to hard to describe to my husband what happened. Everything that I saw and heard, the not being able to move. I was so glad he was there and held me. I said to him I didn’t want to put my head down as I was afraid of going back to where I was. I was so scared, I was afraid to go to the bathroom in the dark and on my own. I made my husband turn on all the lights and chaperone me to the bathroom. I was just glad to be alive!

I’m sure you all will have your own thoughts on this. Some of you will believe it was a bad dream or a nightmare. I’m telling you from deep down in my heart of hearts, I had witnessed the doorway to Hell! I don’t ever want to go there again. I still feel like I haven’t described properly what happened. I can’t really put it into words, but this is the only way I can describe it. I’m not a scaredy cat! The dark doesn’t frighten me! One thing for sure is that it’s made me believe that Hell well and truly exists! Part of me feels like I did have a near death experience, and it wasn’t pleasant! I hope I go back to having my dreams, I definitely don’t want to have another night like I did last night. Not again, not ever!

If you liked today’s post, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

25/12/17 Christmas Day - Part 2 | 25/12/17 Christmas Day - Part 1 | 24/12/17 Christmas Eve | 23/12/17 | 22/12/17 | 21/12/17 | 20/12/17 | 19/12/17 | 18/12/17 | 17/12/17 | 16/12/17 | 15/12/17 | 14/12/17 | 13/12/17 - Part 2 | 13/12/17 - Part 1 | 12/12/17 | 11/12/17 | 10/12/17 | 9/12/17 | 8/12/17 | 7/12/17 | 6/12/17 | 5/12/17 | 4/12/17 | 3/12/17 | 2/12/17 | 1/12/17

30/11/17 | 29/11/17 | 28/11/17 | 27/11/17 | 26/11/17 | 25/11/17 | 24/11/17 | 23/11/17 | 22/11/17 | 21/11/17 | 20/11/17 | 19/11/17 | 18/11/17 | 17/11/17 | 16/11/17 | 15/11/17 | 14/11/17 | 13/11/17 | 12/11/17 | 11/11/17 | 10/11/17 | 9/11/17 | 8/11/17 | 7/11/17 | 6/11/17 | 5/11/17 | 4/11/17 | 3/11/17 | 2/11/17 | 1/11/17

31/10/17 | 30/10/17 | 29/10/17 | 28/10/17 | 27/10/17 | 26/10/17 | 25/10/17 | 24/10/17 | 23/10/17 | 22/10/17 | 21/10/17 | 20/10/17 | 19/10/17 | 18/10/17 | 17/10/17 | 16/10/17 | 15/10/17 | 14/10/17 | 13/10/17 | 12/10/17 | 11/10/17 | 10/10/17 | 9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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