Going Back to Home Sweet Home (A Short 50 Word Story)

Sisa took the final look at the lake. She had spent a good time there and had made some wonderful friends, but somehow she just could not forget her home. She knew she belonged only there so she got up and flew towards the forest- her home, her safe haven.


What I wrote above is a really short story and a submission for the lovely 50 word story challenge started by @jayna. The prompt for this week is forest. The image I used above is a picture I took about 2.5 years back on a trip to Islamabad with my family.

The story above is just 50 words and something not I am used to doing. Those who follow my work now how verbose I am and how difficult it is for me to write something succinct so yeah writing a 50 word story was a challenge for me, but I took it to try something new and I did enjoy it a lot. Thank you @jayna for starting this lovely challenge. If this interests you, do try it as well and share your thoughts on my piece.

Love and light,


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I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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