Hearty Cheesed Salmon Balls

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Hey!" (talking to That girl with a hawk's wing:) I did the grocery. Guess what's on sale in Ekoplaza? .. I hoarded a bit."

That girl with a hawk's wing: (in her quiet thoughts...) "Oh God, not again! Please not again." (she blurted out ..) "hmm.. no clue ~~ surprise me!"

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Tada..~~~!" (holding a bag of kale)

That girl with a hawk's wing: "Geez honey, that's great, let me sort the stuff in the fridge then and we'll see what I can do with that."
(deep inside ... while staring at a bunch of kale in her hands.) "Oh darn .. the farmers did a great job growing you guys this year huh? What were they thinking? Kale domination?.."
(unconsciously she murmured) "Oh God, what made you decide to fashion kale?"

That guy with a hawk's wing : "He probably knew there would be vegetarians in the future who'l be needing the iron and kale actually has more iron that beef. Why do you think I buy that? Plus .. it's more sustainable than beef ;). Oh, not just that - they are also rich in carotenoid and flavanoid antioxidants - A and C. It has more vitamin C than orange, more calcium than milk, it has this sulforaphane which is a cancer-fighting compound and if you cook it with cheese or olive oil the fat-soluble carotenoids in it will be available to the body. Having said that .. can you figure out if you could cheese it?"

That girl with a hawk's wing : "Hmm.. smarty pants been reading health related stuff lately huh? " (Blushing after realizing he over heard her, she left and was sorting the grocery when an idea hit her!)

So, off That girl with a hawk's wing went and took the following out .

  • [ She made thin slices of cheese and cut them into cubes, took a spoonful of the salmon mix and inserted the

It did hold up! The cheese did act as a binder.

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Hmmm.. that smells and looks good. Taste test!"
(grabbed the plate of the two cheesed salmon balls from That girl with a hawk's wing and munched on them. ) "What's in it?"

That girl with a hawk's wing: "What do you think? (took her camera) These"...
( showing him the pic of the ingredients she took earlier on.)

That guy with a hawk's wing : " Hmm.. I can't tell there was kale in it. "

That girl with a hawk's wing: "Ya' think the kids would eat it? So what does it taste like?"

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Yeah.. the kale doesn't over power the rest. They'd probably think it's just cheesed salmon balls as long as we don't tell... "
(took the next one and shove the whole deal in his mouth) "It's hearty and still soft - it's a balance of the greens, spices, the cheese and that salmon. I won't be able to tell it has kale in it."

That girl with a hawk's wing: "We'll see."

and off she went to make more of them cheesed salmon balls while That guy with a hawk's wing went to call the kids...

To be continued ...

I took all the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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