Do you like bittergourd? I loooovveeee bittergourd, stir-fried, super spicy and served with warm rice, I'd be the happiest girl. It's really not that hard to please me 🤣... when it comes to food.
The following traditional cake is called Kue Pepare, which translated as bittergourd cakelettes. Don't worry, they are sweet and salty, not bitter at all 😉
Some people could color and shape the cakelettes totally looking like bittergourd. Mine? They are Hulk's fingers instead, again, my 4 yo's mind, ladies and gentlemen, that's what he said 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Everytime I make something green, he always associates it with The Hulk 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This cake is from Banjarmasin in South Borneo and is normally served with tai lala, which is cream made of coconut milk, and this is for Day 17 of my #promo-indonesia through 30 Days of Indonesia food series 😊
You can check for the previous days right after the Indonesian tanslation below, btw
- 3/4 c desiccated coconut, unsweetened
- 4 tbsp coconut palm sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- a generous pinch of salt
- 100 g glutinous rice flour mixed with a generous pinch of salt
- 100 ml lukewarm coconut milk
- 1/2 tsp Pandan flavoring
- green food coloring
how to
- mix coconut, palm sugar, salt in a bowl, heat in microwave for 30 seconds, stir and set aside
- mix flour and salt in a bowl, pour in coconut milk, flavoring and coloring
- take about 1 tbsp of paste, flatten it, place enough desiccated coconut, and pinch to seal. Shape into oval
- make long marks with a back of a knife, as shown on picture
- preheat and line a steamer with banana leaf that has been greased with cooking oil
- steam cakelettes for 20 minutes but do not cover steamer with the lid, instead cover it with clean towel, this is to prevent the cakelettes enlarging too much while steaming
- serve with tai lala
tai lala
- 1 can thick coconut milk
- generous pinch of salt
how to
- bring to boil and simmer until it produces oil and thicker creamy cream
My sister posted a cake yesterday which Imma try to make for tonight. Will be posting tomorrow for Day 18, I cannot wait 😋🤣😋🤣
Hai teman!
Untuk hari ke 17 bulan Ramadhan, aku berbuka dengan Kue Pepare, yang berasal dari Kalimantan Selatan.
Disebut Pepare karena bentuknya seperti sayur Pare/paria, tau kan?
Di Kalimantan, kami menyajikannya dengan tai lala, yaitu krim kental dari santan yang direbus hingga berminyak
Jadi kue ini manis dan gurih
Nih resepnya kalau tertarik 😊
tai lala
- 1 kaleng santan siap pakai (400 ml)
- garam sejumput
cara membuat
- rebus di api sedang hingga mengeluarkan minyak, endapan yang mengapung adalah tai lala, ambil perlahan2 dengan sendok
- 3/4 gelas kelapa kering siap pakai
- 4 sdm gula palem (palm suiker)
- sejumput garam
- 2 sdm air putih
cara membuat
- campur dan panaskan dengan microwave selama 30 detik, sisihkan
- 100 g tepung ketan
- sejumput garam
- 100 ml santan
- 1/2 sdt perisa Pandan
- pewarna makanan, hijau, secukupnya
cara membuat
- campur seluruh bahan
- ambil 1 sdm makan, pipihkan, isi dengan bahan isi, bentuk melonjong
- dengan pisau tumpul, beri guratan
- beri minyak pada selembar daun pisang, taruh pepare, dan kukus selama 20 menit
- saat mengukus, tutup panci dengan serbet bersih, bukan tutup panci, agar kue tidak mengembang besar
- sajikan dengan tai lala
Bagi yang mau unggah foto makanan/minuman sahur dan takjilmu, gunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Dengan senang hati akan aku kunjungi blog-mu dan akan aku upvote tentunya 😊. Siapapun boleh ikutan, baik kamu berpuasa ataupun hanya ingin memeriahkan Steemit nuansa Ramadan 🙏Resteem yah, biar teman lainnya kecipratan rejeki sedikit upvote-an dariku ❤
Day 1 - Srikaya Roti Pisang - Bread Pudding
Day 2 - Kue Talam Labu Kuning - Pumpkin Cakelettes
Day 3 - Es Kolak Kolang Kaling - Toddy Palm Fruit Ice
Day 4 - Roti Pisang - Banana Cake
Day 5 - Es Pisang Ijo - Green Banana Ice
Day 6 - Es Blewah - Cantaloupe Drink
Day 7 - Dugo Aceh - Glutinous Rice Cake
Day 8 - Pisang Coklat - Sweet 'Spring' Rolls
Day 9 - Kue Pancong - Rice Flour Cakelettes
Day 10 - Kue Kacamata - Unicorn Slice
Day 11 - Kue Mangkok - Chinese Cup Cakes
Day 12 - Es Bengkuang - Jicama Ice
Day 13 - Bubur Candil - Glutinous Balls Dessert
Day 14 - Es Cendol - Worm Jelly Ice
Day 15 - Serabi Kuah - Pancake with Sauce
Day 16 - Klappertaart - Coconut Tart
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