Daily Inspiration #35 - Jim Ryun - Motivation and Habit

Daily Inspiration #35
Jim Ryun
Motivation and Habit
Daily-Inspirational-Motivational Quotes Inspiring-Encouraging Quotes #35 -Jim Ryun - Motivation and Habit.jpg

James Ronald Ryun (born April 29, 1947) is an American track and field athlete who won a silver medal in the 1968 Summer Olympics in the 1,500 metre run. He was the first high school athlete to run a mile in under four minutes. Ryun is the last American to hold the world record in the mile run.

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This guy's quote is pretty simple.

"Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going."

What a great statement!

Motivation is wonderful, but what happens when it wears off?

In the beginning of every project things are bright and shiny.

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Pretty soon the luster starts to wear.

I heard an interesting way to define character...

Character can be defined as following through on a decision long after the excitement of the moment has passed.

Once that luster has faded it's up to you to have productive habits that will carry the idea forward.

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There will definitely be many days where the motivation is still there with you.

On days that it is not for any reason it's your habits, provided you have built them, that will carry you through.

So, how do we build good habits?


Repeated Action = Habit

Nothing else to it.

So if you want to build a good habit the key is simple...

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Just start doing it!

Do it in regular intervals (every day, week, hour etc...) and soon enough it will be a natural part of you.

The more and more often you repeat it, the quicker it will become part of you.

So when you're starting a project remember to combine your motivation with a series of good habits.

Also remember,

"Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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