Daily pick of hidden gems #25

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
Featured posts

1--Education Reform for the Good of Society

Lets just face it. I hated school and I'm sure a lot of you also did.


2--How To Heal Yourself From Disappointment

I'm yet to meet that one person who says they have never been disappointed before.


3--In order for there to be any real change - we must change.

change is always been good, but also has been feared by many people over the years.


4--N.D.E. My Near Death Experience - Never Shared Before - The Future of Medicine and Healing?

Just wanted to share this with you guys today hope you enjoy it.


5--How do you deal with what you do not control?

My answer... simply don't make it a problem for yourself. If it still effects you look at the positive side of it.


6--Money Inequality Matters, is it actually good or bad? - by chrisadventures

We all need money to survive. Money allows us to do many things.


People's pick of the day

Have a look at these please as they are also really great posts

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured

Hope we all could have this outlook and change in your lives-@delphia16/the-five-laws-of-gold-money-that-transformed-my-life

have a look at all the parts. There will be a special section tomorrow for writing -@gonzo/the-death-of-a-hitchhiker-part-one

Was surprisingly blown away by what I read in this post -@matrioshka/how-steem-can-help-you-win-usd1-000s-on-the-lottery

Quote for the day

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