Daily pick of hidden gems #20

Hidden things can change your life forever. Spend the time to look for them it is all worth it.

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
Featured posts

1--People Are Struggling With Financial Freedom

What to change something in your life here are a few tips.


2--Ever Wonder Why Most Kids Can Never Write Like Adults and Most Adults Still Write Like Kids?

My hand writing has always been bad and now I finally know why.


3--Why Upvote Big Names? Because they are Big Names. A Changed Mind here

Change is always a good thing and so is the new. Many might of thought this was unfair but we will benefit from it in the long run.


4--Impersonal Love - Love that does not begin to glimpse its own beauty within the beholder is earthbound and deathbound

Love is messed up, hard to understand and painful. We all need it though.


5--You are what you choose to be

Make the right choice. This posts heading reminds me of an only movie call The Iron Giant.


Special featuring


People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured


Quote for the day


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