Daily pick of hidden gems #26

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25
Featured posts(special mention to @minion for new layout thanks my man)

1--I am the Daddy and I am the boss of you!

I will soon(next 5 years or so) be a father(hopefully)


2--Flagging Could Destroy Steemit by Monopolising Tag Whales

Mmmm now here's something interesting.


3--Dealing with emotional outbursts - Are women crazy?

Putting this post up for all the ladies out there. Enjoy the read.


4--Divorce? And now?

And they lived happily ever after... should be, they kept working at it to make it happy ever after.


5--The evil of the century: Depression or Syndrome From Accelerated Thinking?

Please read this. I love posts when they change my perspective on things. Makes me think which is really amazing.


6--Take A Risk! The Risk Averse Mind Behind Decision-Making on Steemit - by chrisadventures

I'll be taking risks, makes life a lot more fun. It makes life well life(life should not be boring)


People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured. Click on image for the link to the article.

Quote for the day

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