The Daily Pick of Hidden Gems #1st month

After one month the results have been amazing. The results:

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26

Having a look back at all my daily pick of hidden gem posts. I noticed the huge improvement, not just in the format and layout but also in the content and quality of my posts and the featured posts.

The birth of the daily pick.

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Quite literately it was a mistake. I had been chatting to my father about all these amazing posts that are hard to find and hardly get and reward for their hard work. Days later I had asked him if there was some way to tell or show people about these amazing posts.

That is where we stumbled upon the idea of the daily pick. My father works and doesn't have the time to look through posts. That is where I came in as I am 19 and was pretty much wasting my days away doing nothing constructive(as most my age) while waiting to get enrolled into varsity.

The start of the daily pick.

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Well the daily pick was started to get these posts noticed and at first(up until about pick #5) no one who voted for the pick actually took the time to go and read the posts I had in it...
I was ready to give up.

The layout was starting to mould into something better after each post. The content that i featured started to get better and better, but still no following on the featured posts. Everyone was great full for getting featured but nothing was happening.

The end of the daily pick(or so I thought)

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Spam flooded steemit making it much harder to find posts and the time which it started taking to find post was just not worth it... I had given up. I was not going to go trough all that trouble again, to just see that the posts I love so dearly get $0.40... I went to bed early that night

Oh boy did I get a slap in the face the next morning. Bernie had upvoted all the posts I had in my daily pick. The excitement filled me, finally my effort has payed off!

The positive/negative of the daily pick

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Well there is opposition in all things and boy was I not ready for what was about to happen. Some people started to hate my daily pick(reason unknown at the time) where others loved it and thanked me for what I was doing. Others were so glad and excited about the fact that I would help them get their article noticed.

Well being happy about the fact that I can help people out, well you can guess the opposition to that as when I saw that it was helping some days and other days it wasn't at all. Make no mistake, I got really sad about that.


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Between reading amazing posts everyday and all your lovely comments and support you have change my life and I want to thank everyone for all the support and help they have been in this work of mine. My life has changed because of you and one cant put that into words or put a price on it. The value of a changed life is priceless and I hope that we will all help each other to better each others lives. Keep going strong and never ever give up.

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