Album of the Day #20 Dragged into Sunlight -Hatred for Mankind

What to expect when you take a healthy dose of grindcore, death metal, black metal and doom metal? Something in the vein of Dragged into Sunlight is my expectation. This is one fierce four-piece! I remember it like yesterday when I first heard this album. Since then I had the chance to experience them live twice. If you have the chance, do it. Live, they play with their backs to the audience, accompanied by candlelights(!) and strobes. It's dark and they have their own line of drug paraphernalia for sale. Everyone should at least go and experience the atmosphere. It is intense. For this reason, I also included a decent live recording. Decent, but not excelent.

Dragged into Sunlight -Hatred for Mankind (2009)

I think the reason I like this album so much is that it covers everything I like about extreme music. It starts off on my home turf which is doom. Then it is an avalanche of excess riffing. And slows down to spoken word passages. Before it explodes again. Fun every time.

I like all of the tracks, except the last filler, which is a industrial type thing. Not really my cup of tea, but one of the elements they use to create a cold disillusioned atmosphere. This is extreme metal art, a healthy dose of blastbeats and amp-worship.

Writing this reminds me I haven't picked up their latest release, which I should. Because I know they go to extreme lengths to create original, engaging material.


  1. Boiled Angel / Buried with Leeches
  2. Volcanic Birth
  3. To Hieron
  4. Lashed to the Grinder and Stoned to Death
  5. I, Aurora
  6. Totem of Skulls

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