Coffee Time Meditation #27 -- Oct. 7th

“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.” — Bethany Hamilton

Thoughts on Today’s Quote

This quote can take your mind in many directions. When I read the biography of Bethany Hamilton I realized she had lived a special kind of courage at a very young age.

Imagine at the tender age of 13 being attacked by a shark, it taking your arm off and just over a month later going back into the water to surf again.

I’m not sure I’d be ready to step into the water in year.

I’m sure that not only Beth Hamilton but her family and friends were holding their breath in fear as she made her way into the water that day. She went in anyways.

I’ve heard many a veteran comment that any soldier who doesn’t feel fear going into or during battle is either crazy or dead. They feel the fear and they do what they have to do anyways. Some will carry out acts of extraordinary courage.

When the Victoria Cross, the highest military award in the Commonwealth, was being commissioned by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, she would not allow it to be inscribed “for bravery”. She believed any man who went into battle was brave. The medal was inscribed “for valour’.

When the shooter opened fire in Las Vegas there were many who felt the fear yet chose to take the chance of being shot to help those who had been. Their courage saved lives.

But, courage isn’t just about the acts of heroism and overcoming personal tragedy and thriving.

Courage is about anything that causes us to feel fear in our life, yet we choose to carry on. It could be a fear of crowds or of public speaking or to start a business venture.

Fear can either paralyse us from action or be overcome with courage to move forward.

Which do you choose, fear or courage?

Who is Beth Hamilton?

Born February 8, 1990 in Hawaii, Beth Hamilton was surfing by the time she was 2 years old when her parents taught her. By age 8 she had entered her first competition.

In 2003 at the age of 13 she took second at the NSAA Nationals in July. In October a shark attacked her, amputating her arm. By the end of November she was back surfing. Her story received a lot of national and international notice.

During 2004 she received a special MTV Teen Choice Award for courage and the ESPY “Best Comeback Athlete” award from ESPN along with continued acclaim. Her autobiography “Soul Surfer” was published and became a bestseller. A movie with the same title was in movie theatres by 2011.

Beth has continued to be involved in competitive surfing, business ventures and motivational speaking.

*I will try to find information on the author of the quotes I share. I wont always be successful.

Don’t know about you, but I find it interesting to know who the person was that anyone took the time to record or quote that person.*

About Coffee Time Meditation

I love being inspired by other people’s quotes. I thought I’d start sharing some quotes that inspire me along with my own thoughts the quote evokes within me. So, think of someone, like me, sitting quietly with the first fresh coffee of the day and mediating about the words of the quote. That would be me, or it could be you.

I invite you to share your own thoughts on the quote in the comments.

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Have a great day
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