7 Great Ways to Lose Money on Steemit

I have been experimenting with some tools on Steemit and have found some sure fire ways to lose your money or at least flop big time. Keep in mind this is written for the purpose of humor. I don’t mean to offend anyone so I left out most user names but not all. Read more to find these great ways to lose money on Steemit.

Cat and Fish.png

1. Buy an upvote as soon as you post.

You know your content is great so if people see the numbers on the bottom of the post they will all jump in and upvote you. Don’t think about waiting 30 minutes for the curation period to pass. Just open Steemit bot tracker and jump on the next bot that is up to vote. Who cares if they take 25% more of the curation in the first 30 minutes? Who cares if they leave a big ugly comment promoting themselves? Don’t wait 30 minutes. Upvote your post as soon as possible. This is the easiest way to lose money on Steemit.

2. Buy resteems from users who pay for followers.

These are the best people to resteem your posts because they have more than 4,000 followers that they paid 0.001 steem for each to follow. It doesn’t matter if 75% of their followers are inactive users because they still have 1,000 followers that are not smart enough to unfollow even though their feed is trashed with tons of resteems. And who can beat the bonus upvote the resteemer give you of $0.20 when you pay them 2SBD? This is the second best way to lose money on Steemit.

3. Spend any money you make in a Lottery or bet on the next sport event.

I never tried this but it sounds like a great way to lose money.

4. Ignore everybody.

Don’t waste time answering comments. Never check up on those who follow you. Followers are just numbers. They really don’t care about your content anyway. They just automatically push the follow button. They are probably not even human. Never think about visiting their posts. Especially if they upvote your posts or leave a comment. Surely you are the king of content so naturally they should visit your post and upvote and comment. Don’t follow people who give you an upvote and do not visit their posts. Definitely don’t respond to any comment you find on your post. They are probably spam anyway. The content of your masterpiece stands alone. If somebody sets up an auto vote like steemauto or steemdunk or steemfollower just ignore them. Never follow their posts or up vote them. Just expect them to always support you. You fill find in time this method will help you lose money on Steemit.

5. Reject all invitations to discord.

You don’t need support from these groups. If you promote your posts on discord no one looks at them anyway. Sending 0.001 Steem to Banjo and Minnow Support is way too risky so never try it. Don’t ever drop a post in the PAL $upvote for minnow support. You don’t need that 15 cent upvote anyway. And the trail of upvoters that follows minnowsuport doesn’t mean anything either. They are just numbers. Definitely do not register with @qurator for a small life time fee of curation and upvotes. You don’t need a lifetime of upvotes. Groups @thesteemengine with awesome friends and support when you need it the most are not necessary for you. Just Steem alone and you will find in time that you are losing money and support and you will miss out big time.

6. Write content only about yourself.

There is no better subject to write about than you. I’m sure the more than 500,000 users on Steemit wake up thinking about you anyway so why not write every post about yourself? This is great content that can appeal to users from around the world. It is even better if you spend hours and hours on these posts using language that does not appeal to any general audience. These kinds of posts will definitely get picked up by whales who support your unique style.

7. Always post the same content over and over.

If it worked once then definitely it will work again. Don’t worry about the Cheetah at the bottom of the post. It’s just a robot and it gives you a free upvote anyway so it is easy money. Every time you copy the same content you get the Cheetah’s upvote. You are in the money. And Steemians like to see the same posts over and over in their feed every day. They are not smart enough to unfollow so you got it made. You are doing a great duty to the community by providing security and stability that we all need in this ever changing world.

So that’s seven that I know of. I’m sure there are more but just haven’t seen them yet. I cannot leave this post without dropping a poem at the bottom.


Original Poem @mineopoly

Waves of Deflation

Waves of deflation splash from shore to shore.
Hungry fish fight for a small morsel
Toss and turn with the currents of the sea
Finding their mouths are empty

The taps are dry
The vortex sucked up the last reserves
Leaps and bounds could not
Put this fish back to where he belongs.

A fish swimming in a fishbowl
Bumps into the edge of glass
The cat follows every movement closely
Not making a move
Waiting to jump at the right moment.

It happened
The fishbowl spilled.
Who will catch that cat?
Three and a half days later
He comes back.
Ready to pounce again


Verse of the Day/ Proverbs 3:13-14

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold."

Mineopoly Quote:

I knew that.


@mineopoly Posts on English and Education

First Day of School
Cleaning the English Classroom
ELS - I get where you're coming from
Creativity in the box
Is Nature the Best Teacher?
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
ESL I love you
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
Groovy School
K.I.S.S. Creativity
Proof of Brain
The Sounds of Silence
The Wall- Education
A Straight Line
Ryu Gwansun
Korean Independance Movement - Manse
Paint a Fish
Wisdom and Humility
Five Love Languages
Intermittent Media Fasting
The Greatest Teacher

@mineopoly Posts on Mining the heart

Will you be there?
Voices in a Blockchain
Avatar Falling Star
I am a Work in Progress
Songs of the Playground
Morning Miracle
Tasty Spam
Gold Dust
A happy Song
A Closer Walk 1
A Closter Walk 2
A Steemit Heart
Hearts joined together
Revival Korea
Feeling Groovy
As White as Snow
Unconditional Love
Strapped to a printing press- Batman
Choice Wine
The Sounds of Silence
I'm a Seoul man
It's not easy being Green
Reach Out and Touch
Who is Mineopoly?

Woodstock source. Cat and Fish Source All other pictures here are public domain or a creation of @mineopoly


Can you find a better way to lose money on Steemit?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

This is the 4th poem I entered in the Steemitschool poetry competition.
Steemitschool Discord.

I guess your eyes are bloodshot by now @d-pend

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