Why We Must Take One Goal at a Time?

These days, I am full of a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and I am really positive about life in general. I have met a lot of amazing people in the past 2 weeks, some in real and some virtually, but all in all, I have had some wonderful interactions these past few days and all of this feels extremely enlightening.

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These experiences have opened my mind to a lot of possibilities and I am getting scores of great ideas these days regarding how I want to go about my aim to become a good motivational speaker and to help the society I live in become aware of the power they hold within their minds and the power of mindfulness. I just wanna do so much right now and am feeling so excited that the day before yesterday I realized that all of it was weighing me down a bit. I was so overwhelmed with excitement and energy that it was starting to create a pressure inside me and that did not feel quite nice. The feeling had not grown big at that time, but I knew if I did not relax and give myself a little break, I'd feel really stressed in another day or two and may just give up on my goal.

Since I did not want to do that because my goal is special to me and I am now in the right state of motivation and mind to pursue it, I decided to let go of some thoughts, ideas and activities that do seem very appealing to me right now and are related to things I want to do, but maybe just not right now.

All of us have a lot of aspirations, a lot that we'd like to do and a lot that we want people to benefit from, but let's face it, we cannot do everything at once even though that is what we want at times. We want to do so much and sometimes feel that we can do a lot at the same time that we commit ourselves to several projects at once. What we don't realize at that point is there is only a certain amount of pressure that our body and mind can handle. Put even an extra piece more on top and you start to crumble. This happens because our willpower gets depleted really quickly and the more load we place on our body and mind, the quicker it runs out the back door. Vrroommmm...

That is what happened with me several times in the past. I used to get excited by a lot of things and venture into everything at once and realize how overwhelm I feel a few days later and then quit everything literally. This time, I have realized that one cannot do everything at once so it is best to take one thing at a time. I have a lot of ideas and it is important I explore them first to understand which idea I feel the most connected to right now and pursue the most important one of the lot and then gradually as I achieve a goal, I can take up on other things.

I also pondered a little on why we feel the need to do all at once and for me, I realized it was rooted in the desire to prove people and myself that I can be really, really great haha. This need to prove yourself is what gets to me at times and what makes me take up on many projects at once. This time I addressed this need differently and I talked very calmly to myself. This is how that almost one sided talk aka the monologue went.

'I know there are lots of needs you have and one of them is to prove to the world especially to the men in the society that 'Hey, I am pretty amazing so shove that in your face' but you know if you keep putting a lot of burden on yourself, you will only drain yourself in the process and get nothing done. That has happened in the past. But you have a lot of potential and the best way to make the right use of it is to go slow, take one goal at a time and make sure you reassess them before you start any project so you engage yourself in only projects you really want to pursue and not something meaningless.' And I just kept talking nicely to myself and felt better. So yeah, there are some things I plan to do and I'll go about my targets, one thing at a time and the minute I decided that, I started feeling a lot better and motivated than before.

What are your thoughts on this approach and my piece in general? Looking forward to your lovely support.

Love and light,


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I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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