A Simple, Gluten Free and Milk Free Green Split Peas Pasta Dish

That girl with a hawk's wing saw the green split pasta that That guy with a hawk's wing bought.

That girl with a hawk's wing: "Hmmm... green split pasta? 100% green split flour?" (reading the ingredient on the label) "Hmmm... I wonder what this would taste like?"

She took it out and decided to make a dish out of it to partner the hearty cheesed salmon balls.

Then she took these out, too.

Then she called That guy with a hawk's wing and the kids and had lunch.

"What do you think of the green split peas pasta?" asked That guy with a hawk's wing . " Well... it's heavier than that of the usual pasta but it's also tastier. I bought it cause it's glutenfree, milk and lactose free and most of all soya free. We can barely enjoy pasta cause the kids get atophy from the flour and lactose intolerance from milk but with this we could have pasta as much and as often as we can. I love it!"

That girl with a hawk's wing: "Easy for you to say you're not the one cooking !" (stood up with her pasta bowl and headed to her office)

That guy with a hawk's wing: "Where are you going?"

That girl with a hawk's wing : " Logging in .." (and winked at him)

That guy with a hawk's wing: "Oh no! You're addicted now, too?"

That girl with a hawk's wing : " Hey, you suggested it, remember?

And off she left him shaking his head saying "What have I done now?!" ...

I took all the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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