Hi friends!
Just a quick posting as I forgot to post this following "drink" for my 30 Days of Indonesia #19 this morning.
This drink is called Wedang Ronde and it is Chinese-influenced, from a drink called tang yuan, which is glutinous balls in ginger syrup.
Normally served warm, perfect for cold day, but it is also good served cold.
Different places in Indonesia add different goodies in this drink, like jelly or cubed bread.
- 125 g glutinous rice flour
- 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
- enough hot boiling water (start wth 1/3 c first)
- food coloring, if using
- roughly crushed rosted peanuts, salted
- coconut palm sugar, as needed
- 1 L water
- 1 lemongrass, bruised
- 1 screwpine leaf, knotted
- 65 g skinned ginger, sliced
- 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar
- 4 tbsp sugar
how to
- in a pot, mix water, lemongrass, ginger, screwpine leaf, sugars to fully boil, simmer for 15 mins, set aside
- pour enough water into a separate pot, bring to boil
- mix flour and starch, pour enough hot boiling water, a little at a time, only until flours turn into pliable mass. Divide into two, and color
- take about 2 tbsp dough, flatten, fill center with peanuts and coconut sugar, seal and shape into balls (I made some of the green filled with sugar only and/or plain)
- drop balls into boiling water in the pot, until floating, take out with slotted spoon
- serve balls with strained ginger syrup (and cubed bread)
Tadi pagi lupa mau posting ini buat puasa kemarin (hari 19). Jadi pendek aja yang ngalor ngidulnya malam ini, dah ngantuk 🤣 Mumpung lagi tidak puasa, bisa tidur cepat 😂
Minuman kesukaanku nih waktu masih di Yogya, beli di angkringan 😊
- 125 g tepung beras ketan
- 1/2 sdm maizena
- air panas secukupnya
- kacang goreng/sangrai, hancurkan kasar secukupnya
- gula palem (atau merah) secukupnya
- 1 liter air
- 1 sereh di geprek
- 65 g jahe yang sudah dikupas kulitnya, iris-iris (geprek juga boleh)
- 1 lembar daun pandan, ikat
- 2 sdm gula palem (atau merah)
- 4 sdm gula pasir
cara membuat
- rebus air, sereh, jahe, gula kurang lebih 15 menit
- rebus air secukupnya
- campur tepung dan maizena, tuang air panas secukupnya, hingga kalis
- ambil adonan, pipihkan, beri kacang dan gula, bentuk bulat2 (sebagian kuisi hanya dgn gula, atau tidak ada isian)
- cemplungkan ke air mendidih, hingga mengapung, tiriskan
- sajikan dengan sirup jahe dan kalau mau roti yang dipotong2
Bagi yang mau unggah foto makanan/minuman sahur dan takjilmu, gunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Dengan senang hati akan aku kunjungi blog-mu dan akan aku upvote tentunya 😊. Siapapun boleh ikutan, baik kamu berpuasa ataupun hanya ingin memeriahkan Steemit nuansa Ramadan 🙏Resteem yah, biar teman lainnya kecipratan rejeki sedikit upvote-an dariku 💓
Day 1 - Srikaya Roti Pisang - Bread Pudding
Day 2 - Kue Talam Labu Kuning - Pumpkin Cakelettes
Day 3 - Es Kolak Kolang Kaling - Toddy Palm Fruit Ice
Day 4 - Roti Pisang - Banana Cake
Day 5 - Es Pisang Ijo - Green Banana Ice
Day 6 - Es Blewah - Cantaloupe Drink
Day 7 - Dugo Aceh - Glutinous Rice Cake
Day 8 - Pisang Coklat - Sweet 'Spring' Rolls
Day 9 - Kue Pancong - Rice Flour Cakelettes
Day 10 - Kue Kacamata - Unicorn Slice
Day 11 - Kue Mangkok - Chinese Cup Cakes
Day 12 - Es Bengkuang - Jicama Ice
Day 13 - Bubur Candil - Glutinous Balls Dessert
Day 14 - Es Cendol - Worm Jelly Ice
Day 15 - Serabi Kuah - Pancake with Sauce
Day 16 - Klappertaart - Coconut Tart
Day 17 - Kue Pepare - Bittergourd Cakelettes
Day 18 - Wadai Kararaban - Steamed Palm Sugar Cake
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