Playing the Sims: Introducing the Sim Girl Dark Shadows Challenge

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Legacy Challenge

Victoria, and Jack Steem are my Sim Girl legacy challenge Sims. If you are not familiar with the challenge you can find it at Sim Legacy Challenge. This challenge is to basically start your Sim out on a huge lot, with little to no money, and then play the household for 10 generations on this land. There are many stipulations, and rules for the challenge. You can find these rules by following the link.


If you have been following along with my blog, you know that we had a Sims 4 glitch, in which our legacy Sim, Victoria Steem has been given immortality. I’m pretty sure this is against the rules, but we are going to chuck the rules, and do whatever we want to do.

And what we want to do is let her live for all 10 generations.

This reminds me of the movie Dark Shadows, with Johnny Depp, when the witch lives 200 hundred years, and then she changes her looks every generation to make it look like she is the next generation, from the same family.

She builds a fishing company, gets rich, and takes over the little town, naming it after herself. Victoria is even named after one of the characters from the movie, so it is cool that she has become immortal.

To follow the movie, we’d have to send a vampire in too!

We’ll give her a few generations and build up her wealth first.


Oh… we can turn Jack into a vampire and lock him in box for 200 hundred years!

Did this just turn into the Dark Shadows Challenge?

Stay tuned.

PS. This is inevitable, Jack’s on his way to meet a vampire now.

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In the movie, Barnabas Collins falls off a cliff, dies, and is turned into vampire because of the witch’s curse. He is placed in a casket and buried under the earth for 200 years, by her, and the witch takes over the town.

But in the Sims 4 game, if you have the Vampire game pack, it takes a little more effort to turn your Sim into a vampire. First you must either encounter a vampire, and read more about vampires; by researching on the computer, and then be turned by a vampire.

Jack will be going to the vampire world called, Forgotten Hollow, to encounter a vampire.


You can visit any household on the map, if the Sims are at home. Even if they have never met. You can then introduce the Sims, and begin a conversation.


This vampire does not know much about vampires, and suggest that Jack look up the information on the computer. Unfortunately, there is no computer in this house, but we can build a relationship with this vampire, while we are here, so that Count Vladislaus Straud IV will be more likely to visit the Steem house.


If you would like to go into the house, you can select the door, then knock on door, from the options.

The owners will either allow you to come in, or you will not be allowed to come in because they are not home.

Once inside the house, you can use, or select any item in the house to interact with it. If your Sim does not have a certain object, such as a piano, you can have your Sim befriend someone who does have a piano, and then that Sim can learn, and build the piano skill at their house.

Sims can also go to the kitchen, and make themselves food. They can use the computer, the bathroom, and read their books. Most times, anything you can click on, your Sim will be able to interact with, in some way.


By selecting friendly interactions, such as asking about their day, and getting to know them, your Sim can befriend Vladislaus Straud, and then ask to be turned. Jack has a baby coming soon, and his wife will be home from work after 9pm, so he doesn’t have time to continue this conversation.

He will have to continue to talk to Vlasdislaus either in person, or over the phone, to build a friendship, before Vlasdislaus will be willing to turn Jack into a vampire.


The baby is not in any hurry to come out. I’m wondering now if the baby will be immortal.

They had enough money from fishing, harvesting, and from Victoria’s job to buy a basinet. I got a green one since I don’t know if it will be a boy or a girl.

I don’t know what we will name it. Maybe Angelica.

Since Victoria is up in the middle of the night to eat, I figured she could work on her charisma skills.

If she’s going to be a young adult forever, I might as well take advantage of it, and keep her active in the athletic career.


Jack has leveled his gardening skill to the point in which he can now evolve his mushroom plants. He also has the option to fertilize. Jack has been selling his fish as soon as he catches them to get the best price for the fish. If he did not sell them, he could use the fish to fertilize the plants.

When Jack evolves the mushroom plants, he will increase the quality of the harvest. This will increase the selling price of the mushrooms, which will also give the household funds an increase.


With the increase from the mushroom harvest, the Steem’s could do some much-needed repair to their little home.

They could afford to apply siding to the outside of the house, and add a roof. They also added a couple of windows.

The concrete is free in build mode, so I tried not to go too crazy making them sidewalks. I moved some plants around, and the place looks cute.

Like a cute little garden shed, which we hope is what it will become in the future.


Inside, they continued the blue color scheme and painted the walls, and laid down new carpet. Just in time for the baby to arrive.

I hope you have learned how to recover from plans with a cheerful disposition. Just remember in life, when you become immortal, it could be worse, the love of your life could turn into a vampire, and be locked in a casket for 200 years.

If you would like to try the Sim Girl, Dark Shadows challenge. Begin by starting the legacy challenge, meet the nanny that gives your Legacy Sim the immortal buff while a young adult. Create an Adult spouse for your legacy Sim. Get the legacy Sim pregnant. Turn the spouse into a vampire before they reach the elder stage of life.

Once your spouse is a vampire, make a coffin for them to sleep in the basement, send them to hibernate, and then remove any stairs, so that they are buried.

Continue to live out the legacy challenge for 10 generations…. take over the town.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?
Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks
Playing the Sims- Change of Plans
Playing the Sims: All About Fishing
Playing the Sims: Living Off the Land, Cowplant Edition
Playing the Sims: On Pause

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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