My Thoughts on Monster Energy...

I was offered a free sample of 'Monster Energy' an energy drink today at the mall. My cousin was a part of the marketing team so I just took a can of it and kept it aside and thought to try it later.

I just took a sip of the drink and it sucks big time for me. I am not a fan of energy drinks at all. I hate their taste and I am not even go into the details of how unhealthy they are. The health viewpoint is not what I wanna discuss right now because I strongly feel energy drinks should not be consumed and I am just gonna throw this can right away. What I do want to discuss in this post here is the branding of the drink and how I feel the wrong marketing and product branding of products is negatively influencing the society.


Here's what the back of the can reads:

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy. It's the ideal combo of the right ingredients in the right proportion to deliver the big bad buzz that only monster can. Monster packs a powerful punch but has a smooth, easy drinking flavor. Athletes, musicians, anarchists, co-eds, road warriors, metal heads, geeks, hipster and bikers dig it, you will too.'

I mean what the hell is this really??? Everything and literally everything is wrong with this description. Firstly, why would you want someone to have a mean energy, why?? I mean if a college kid drinks it, you want that mean energy to transfer to him and then what do you think he will do? Honestly, I don't think a can of an energy drink is that powerful, but I do believe words are a lot powerful than we credit them to be so if you are telling someone that he/ she will get a mean type of energy after drinking it, you are basically rewiring his/ her mind to think that way. And why would you want someone to have a bad buzz? I mean why? Also, if you did name the drink 'Monster Energy', why do you have to associate it with a bad or mean type of energy? Why can't you just say, you will gain the strength and power you need to do all your tasks?

Why do we have to associate some sort of negativity with stuff to highlight it or make it feel appealing? I think it is this sort of branding and marketing tactic that makes people, especially adolescents lean towards the more negative and unhealthy things there are in this world. If you tell someone that he needs a bad buzz to do something, you are indirectly leading him towards wrong things which if he engage into can harm him and the world around him.

Now let's get to the last line of the description. It says 'Athletes, musicians, anarchists, co-eds, road warriors, metal heads, geeks, hipster and bikers dig it, you will too.' What this means is that all these people have a bad buzz or a bad energy and you are actually associating wrong sentiments and words with all these professionals and why do we have to associate certain things with certain professions. Why does a metal head or a biker has to be portrayed as someone with a bad buzz? Why? Oh God, I could keep going on with the why rant and never stop. I just hate the branding of this product and I honestly feel that this wrong way of promoting things is what is wrong with the many things going on around us.

I am a little too upset right now so will stop. Do share your thoughts on the topic please. Love your support.

Love and light,


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