Flourless, Tropical Mini Pancakes, A Healthier Snack Option

That guy with a hawk's wing went for a wing check that took three hours and got home pretty hungry craving for a snack.

That guy with a hawk's wing : " Honey, am home~~~ ...and starving!, ... but wings are perfectly working and approved for flying."

That girl with a hawk's wing : "That's good to know, hon, will have to have mine check, too and will have to have that on schedule."

Headed to the fridge to see what he could munch on. Took the cheese out and found out they're out of bread.

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Honey, am going to the grocery (which is just beside their house) to get some bread."

That girl with a hawk's wing : "Why? Let me make you something you'll like that won't wake your atophy up."

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Okay ..." he said, but deep inside thinking ... "hmmm... she's just trying to find another reason to post on the weekend."

Off went That girl with a hawk's wing and took these out.

What happens next ...

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Honey, how is this going to not perk my atophy in the arms up? Pancakes are made of flour aren't they?"

That girl with a hawk's wing : "Not this one, it's totally flourless, yeastless, baking soda less that's why it didn't rise."

That guy with a hawk's wing : "Hmmm.. this is all for me ha! ha! " (grabbed the whole plate of mini pan cakes out of That girl with a hawk's wing hands.

... That girl with a hawk's wing smiled and thought ..."Ha! ha! I actually already had two times of what you are having."

Allergic to normal flour that you've been avoiding making pancakes despite the craving? Try That girl with a hawk's wing's Flourless Tropical Mini Pancakes with the zest and sweetness of the mango and the nutty flavor from the pine nuts for a healthier snack !

I took all the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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