Playing the Sims: Toddler Years Whomp whomp whomp

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Legacy Challenge

Victoria, and Jack Steem are my Sim Girl legacy challenge Sims. If you are not familiar with the challenge you can find it at Sim Legacy Challenge. This challenge is to basically start your Sim out on a huge lot, with little to no money, and then play the household for 10 generations on this land. There are many stipulations, and rules for the challenge. You can find these rules by following the link.


Jack woke up early to play with the cow plants. The babies were still sleeping. Everyone in the Steem family is doing fine. Jack is a bit nervous about being able to fend for the family, but it always works out!


After selling the family harvest, and a good day of fishing, the Steem’s have managed to save up a few more coins. Victoria has been given leave from work. She will have 2 more days, to tend to the new babies, and get some rest.


I did mention in an earlier post, that I tried to change Victoria’s age while she was pregnant with the twins, but it said I could not change her while she was expecting. I am not sure if it finally kicked in, or if the nanny buff wore off, but in any event, Victoria has grown up to be an adult.

After some research, I found out that this bug has been here for a while, and that using the cheat code, you can reverse the immortal trait, which is hidden.

To add a cheat code, use the shift+Ctrl+c command to open the command bar.

Type: testingcheats true (enter)

Type: traits.remove_trait HasMetNanny (enter)

Close the Cheat Console with Ctl-Shift-C


Since Victoria is no longer immortal, we can forget about any transformation, and go back to playing the legacy challenge as we hoped.

Because her clock is ticking again, and the twins are not challenging enough, (insert eye roll here), Jack and Victoria are going to be expecting another bundle of joy. She is eating for two again. Hopefully she will not have twins again.

After your Sims have tried for a baby, the woman can use the toilet, and you can select, take pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you will be shown in your notifications. Your Sim will automatically tell their husband the good news.


To follow the Sims legacy challenge rules, I had to use the toddler random trait generator to pick the twin’s traits.

Of course, I would have given them both angelic traits, but they now have completely different traits. Angelica has been given the independent trait, while Josette will be fussy.

The independent trait will love their freedom, and will not take orders from caregivers. They gain extra skill when left alone, and need less attention than other toddlers. After playing Angelica for a little bit, I also found out, that she has the option to use the potty for the first time without any help, which is nice.

We will use the random trait generator again, when they reach the age of child.


Josette will be a fussy toddler. This means that she will love to cry, cause trouble, and throw fits. This also means that if she is given attention, it will help her overcome negative moodlets.

Once the Sims grow to be toddlers, you can then give them commands the same way as you do with the adult Sims. You can select an item, and if the toddler can interact with the item, a menu of options will appear on the screen.

If the toddler cannot interact with the item, there will not be a menu of options. For example, a toddler can open the refrigerator, but they cannot grab the food. When items such as the potty, or toys are introduced to their environment, they can then use the items, and you will be able to choose from the options.

You can send the toddlers to sleep, or to grab a serving of food. And I found out, with the independent trait, Angelica could unlock her potty training without an adult’s help.


There were unfortunately, too many things to take care of in this household, and the cow plants did not make it. We will try again, in the future. I tried to hire a professional gardener to save them, but it was too late.


Toddlers in the Sims 4 can grab their own food from the counters, and from tables. If the food is prepared, they can grab a serving, and will then go and sit down to eat. If you would like to feed the toddler Sims from the refrigerator, you will need to have a highchair.

If you have a highchair, you will then need to pick up the toddler, place them in the highchair, feed them, remove them from the highchair, and then clean up the food. I’m not sure where the mess goes when they feed themselves. I am assuming this bed will be full of crumbs!


Victoria made it back to work with all the skills needed for a promotion. She has reached level 5 of the athletic career track, and I had to decide between her being a body builder, or a professional athlete. I choose for her to be a professional athlete.

With her second pregnancy, and having twin toddlers at home, I cannot see a future in which Victoria is promoted any further in the career track. But, she may surprise me.


For now, this poor legacy Sim is very tired, hungry, and having no fun at all.

I hope you have learned more about how to care for your toddler Sims. Since Victoria has twins, she and Jack must do everything twice. Toddler years will last about a week. If there are no adults at home to watch the toddlers, they will automatically be sent to daycare.

If you can afford a nanny, you can schedule a nanny by using the phone. The nanny will come over to your house, take care of the children’s needs, and clean the home. You can hire a housekeeper, and a gardener the same way. Oh, and pizza!

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

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For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?
Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks
Playing the Sims- Change of Plans
Playing the Sims: All About Fishing
Playing the Sims: Living Off the Land, Cowplant Edition
Playing the Sims: On Pause
Playing the Sims: Introducing the Sim Girl Dark Shadows Challenge
Playing the Sims: Labor Day!!!

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life







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