Daily pick of hidden gems #32

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
Month 1
Featured posts

1--Decentralized Steemit and Why it Works.


Is decentralisation good? That I leave to you to decide


2--Change the World by First Changing Ourselves


Change has always been a good thing. Loved this post.


3--How To Get More Out Of Your Most Creative Employees


Become the person you meant to be


4--Stranded In The Alps, An Earthly Offering & The Magic Of The Ganesh Mantra


This post is really amazing


5--How to Maintain a Flawless Steemit Reputation


People seem to trust those who have a higher reputation. When I look for my gems those with higher reputation, I don't check for plagiarism.


6--Why is the Price of Steem falling? Does it Matter?


I truly believe it is a good thing. Best time to buy is when it is low.


People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

------------ | -------------

@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

Press image to go to the post

Russian - @serejandmyself

not in yet

French - @sebastien

German - @knozaki2015

not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Quote for the day

Image credit

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