Drawing like a pro - 37, Commenting on your drawing (Power up 100%)


Hi friends!

We are already in publication #36 related to drawing and today I want to reflect a little on what I have shared with you and your responses.
First I want to tell you that it makes me a little uncomfortable to have the title of "professor" that you give me, I just want to share what I have learned from others who have in turn spread what they have also learned from those who have provided their knowledge before them.
So, I'm happy if I can give some content that may be interesting and useful for some of you.

But now, one of the things that worries me is to lose the sense of the posts I've called "Draw Like a Pro".
It has happened to all of us who are dedicated to art that, on certain occasions, we do something successfully and then we cannot replicate that success we had, or on the contrary, we make mistakes and do not find a good solution despite trying repeatedly.
Here comes the word that comforts us: "inspiration". Those successes or failures we attribute to inspiration or the lack of it at a given moment. The truth is that the deep root of this is a lack of knowledge.

The goal of the posts called "Drawing like a pro" has been to give you the basic knowledge of what I've called the craft of drawing, trying to incorporate you into a "virtual workshop" where you learn the first steps of drawing which later you will applying or not but with knowledge and that makes a great difference that is reflected in the work of an artist.
So I have to be careful not to abandon the main goal of these lessons, which is to show you the basics that will allow you to draw professionally and efficiently.

Here I've to point out once again that these posts, both in the lessons and in the homework contests, are aimed at beginners or all those who feel that they do not know some of the techniques or topics I try to teach.
I'm also learning together with you. I'm learning not only to teach but also this has meant me an instance to review what I think I know and to review some things I've already forgotten. And I have certainly made mistakes.

Well, without further ado, I'm going to comment on the works that two friends WOX members have presented which will allow me to better clarify what I mean when I state my fear of losing the goal of my posts related to drawing.



Let's see the work of our friend @ezunjoshy.

In this second work done by him, I have been able to verify that he has continued to exercise freehand drawing which makes me happy and I congratulate him once again.

However, I've here a critique to make to him and to myself as well. It is about the drawing that I made trying to show you how I use my drawing tools: how I take the pencil so as not to damage the paper, how I take measurements with my paper ruler, how to draw the darkest parts in the drawing using the hatching technique, etc.
This was not a homework contest, it was a lesson on how to use the drawing tools.
@ezunjoshy made a true copy of my drawing, including the mistakes I made. This leads me to assume that my friend did not read or did not understand the content of this lesson and he tried to copy the drawing instead of looking at how to use the drawing tools.
I don't ask you to try again to remake the drawing well because we still don't see two-point perspective.
I apologize really for this, perhaps this topic was not clear enough.
My mistake: caring only that I was showing how to use my tools and not making a good drawing with them. Struggling to draw with the camera that stood between the paper and me, I dismissed the importance of the drawing, believing that no one would be interested in copying something for which I did not yet have knowledge. I should have chosen another example model and I should have also executed it in a good way.
Although in the following post I recognized and fixed this error, showing the finished drawing, I'm sorry that @ezunjoshy didn't read that lesson before sending me his drawing.
Anyway, I really appreciate the enthusiast participation of @ezunjoshy and I hope he continue to exercise and participating. In case of any doubt or question don't hesitate to ask me I'll happy to answer and help.


Another friend who has participated is @raah.
He has decided to take part in this fourth homework contest and I thank him very much for his great participation.See it

He has shown in his magnificent publication that he already handles drawing techniques very well, which can be seen in the final work where he executes with great ease the use of pencil in shading and in the resolute nature of his strokes. Congratulations, very good drawing! A really good sample.


However, and with the aim of not losing the objective of these drawing lessons, I have to make some observations:

It is clear that our friend is not a beginner in drawing, nor does he seek to learn something that he does not know at this level.
It annoys me that @raah use his advanced knowledge to show off by showing a topic we haven't yet seen, like the two-point perspective, and not sticking to the demands of the homework contest. It seems very good that people want to participate, but one must abide by what is required. I consider a lack of respect for my effort to show you in a didactic way what I have learned, ignoring the order in which I'm teaching these topics and therefore creating confusion in those who follow my lessons by leaving the impression that I don't know the other aspects of this matter.
I would have preferred that our friend just make the required task in the way he knows how to do it in one-point perspective perfectly and thereby reinforce the know-how to our friends.
Let's not forget that the topic of this task was to ***divide a figure (rectangle) in one-point perspective ***, using the drawing techniques that have been taught in all previous lessons and especially in the three latest. That is why there is a video that shows how to draw it on paper, otherwise, it would have been enough to show the drawing made on the computer.
I think my mistake was again to show a somewhat more advanced drawing, although I made it clear that the task was not to draw a building but that the important thing was to apply the technique of division in perspective.
Perhaps, I made the mistake of not emphasizing enough that the homework contests are not a drawing contest but a way to encourage the participation of our friends emphasizing the use of drawing techniques, helping them to see what their successes and failures are so that in the future they can draw any subject.
Finally, I don't want to discourage @raah from participating in our lessons and homework contest, on the contrary, I hope he continues to participate and demonstrate how he does the homework correctly since he knows how to do it. I think it would be a valuable addition to our friends who are interested in improving their drawing skills.


Well, I had to say this because it seems important to me that we don't lose the goal of these publications and that they don't end up being just another drawing contest.
I think that very rarely do we have the opportunity to know what is behind the execution of a drawing, most of the time we only access certain specific tricks and not what will really serve you and give you the necessary freedom to create.


I wish you a very nice day and good exercise!

And if you like to colour your drawings, I recommend the interesting and useful Color and Light classes of @fumansiu whose concepts you can apply both with traditional and digital techniques.


Take part in the # 4 HOMEWORK CONTEST!

and get upvotes rewards from WOX community members.


Many thanks to @bambuka and @stef1 once again for their encouragement and support.
Also, thanks to @xpilar for making these initiatives possible.


Here are the links to the previous related posts.
1-Introduction - 2-Introduction - 3-Introduction - 4-Introduction -
5-Introduction - 6-Lesson - 7-Lesson - 8-Lesson - 9-Lesson - 10-Lesson -
11-Masterclass - 12-HW Contest - 13-Lesson 14-Lesson - 15-Lesson -
16-Lesson - 17-HW results - 18-Masterclass - 19-HW Contest - 20-Lesson - 21-Lesson - 22-Lesson - 23-HW results - 24-Lesson - 25-Lesson -
26-Masterclass - 27-HW Contest - 28-Lesson - 29-Lesson - 30-feedback - 31-Lesson - 32-HW results - 33-Masterclass - 34-HW contest #4 - 35-feedback - 36 feedback


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