Daily pick of hidden gems #33

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32
Month 1

Special featuring

Featured posts


Give a hungry man a fish, and you feed him for a day. But if you teach a man fo fish, he can feed himself for a Lifetime.


A law I live by and practice everyday.


Steemians! Would You Let Advertisers Touch YOUR Typing?


Soon everything will change and change is what normally makes things better



7 Things Why You Should Visit Norway!


I would so visit this place aaahhhh looks so amazing.


16 Months Out Of A Suitcase


Travelling makes people happy I'm not exactly sure why but I am sure there is post on it somewhere. If not be the first to make it.



Taking College Coursework Seriously. Especially Exams!


Education is the key to everything(there are a few hack keys) but without education life is a lot harder.



Proven Tips for how you get your ex back after break up


There is not way that I would ever want my ex back... but maybe you guys do (PS she cheated on me)


About Laughter "A day without laughter is a day wasted."


Laughter is truly the best medicine. Try to make someone laugh everyday can be even better than just making yourself laugh, as you have helped out.


16 Tips for Inducing Creativity - Most you haven't heard Before


Creativity and inspiration can be found everywhere just needs that little push.



Want to Revenge A Hurt or Get Even With Someone? Love Unconditionally!


I'll never hate someone for a break up as I see it as a step towards something better


Be Right or Go Wrong - Ahimsa and Justice


I don't know about you guys but I am always wrong... even when I am right I'm wrong.


The teacher who called a child an abomination


Bullying will always happen, even here on steemit we have bullies.


Food for Thought: Can an All Powerful God Really Be Cruel?


Why are we here? what is the purpose of life?


To My Ex-Boyfriend, my story


Everyone will at least have one ex, that one love that never worked out (yes chocolate I am giving up on you)


My Life Ended When I Was 25 Years Old – Part 1


Life can change very sudden and you wouldn't even expect it to happen anytime soon.



How Do You Feel about Getting Frostbite while Sleeping in a Hotel made of Ice?... Absolutely Freezing


I would love to know how the ice inside doesn't melt. Don't leave you drinks out ...


River Vishera - Ural.


The world is truly a beautiful place.


Colorado Trip


I go on many hikes and I love taking my camera with as you can always get the best pictures on a trip.



One Spanish poem a day 4 (Spanish/English) - A un olmo viejo - Antonio Machado


Poetry I think is a way in which a person allows their heart to speak for them.


All featured authors in the above sections contact me on steemit.chat please if you feel that you need a share of the SD made on this post. If not thank you for your kindness :-)

People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

------------ | -------------

@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

Press image to go to the post

Russian - @serejandmyself

not in yet

French - @sebastien

German - @knozaki2015

Spanish - @webosfritos

Quote for the day

Image credit

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