Daily Inspiration #42 - Farrah Gray - Build Your Dreams

Daily Inspiration #42
Farrah Gray
Build Your Dreams
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Farrah Gray (born Farrakhan Muhammad) is an American businessman, investor, author, columnist, and motivational speaker.

Gray was raised on Chicago's South side. He began his entrepreneurial career at the age of six selling homemade lotion and hand-painted rocks door-to-door.

Gray is the son of black nationalist Khalid Muhammad.

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The quote today may not mean as much to everyone as it does to me but for me it is top notch.

"Build your own dreams,
or someone else will hire you to build theirs."

Now, like I said, this may not ring home for all of you.

For me it's like a beacon.

Personally I have never felt right working for anyone other than myself.

However even if working for someone else really is your thing you can still benefit greatly from this quote.

Is the place you are working taking you toward a dream?

If not then perhaps you should consider a change.




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Yep, I said change.

In fact I said change knowing that so many of you fear it like the plague.

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The truth is that change can be great if you choose not to fear it.

Complacency is a horrible place to be ya know.

It feels mildly comforting but you remain in the same place, going nowhere.

Stagnant and stationary, not succeeding but not failing really either.

Or are you?

Insanity has been defined by many as doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

If what you are doing now is not bringing you toward a dream then either you have given up on your dreams or you have crossed that ever contented threshold of insanity.

Let me say two things...

First, complacency and contentment are not, and should never be masked as, happiness.

Happiness is literally being happy.

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Contentment and complacency are feelings that may amount to OK, but are absolutely not happiness.

Second, any reason that you can tell me right this moment for giving up a dream is nothing more than an excuse...


Notice the period...

So, if you have given up on your dreams then maybe this can help light a fire under your ass so you will get back up and start moving toward them again.

If you have stepped into complacency or contentment then take off the mask and realize that it is not, nor will it ever be, happiness.

Your happiness and your dreams are what bring life to your life.

Go after them!

Chase them!

Become them!

Always remember what Farrah had to say:

"Build your own dreams,
or someone else will hire you to build theirs."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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