Zesty Easy Peasy Chicken Teriyaki

Yes, you read it right but no am not serving you a spoiled dish (laughs). I published this is Dutch - that's true but that's just because I got Dutch readers now, too. After tweeting the Flourless Kale Sponge Bites recipe to the store where I bought the kale I used in making it, I got me all fired up to write this is Dutch, too because they re-tweeted my tweet and that was the first time I got 400+ tweet views. It's not about me getting my tweet re-tweeted that made me so happy - honestly, everyone in my life who knows me well - know... that too much attentions freaks me out - introvert remember? That's draining for us. However, we want to grow remember? We therefore need more traffic and I suppose you could read between the lines and are now getting the point. (Don't worry, I'd only be writing recipes in Dutch when I use a certain product of a certain store here.) Plus... since some of you are at least paying attention to my posts(thank you!) I felt obliged to write this in English, too specially for Steemians who may happen to like Japanese food and chicken teriyaki as much as I do.

What makes this chicken teriyake different? I didn't have to grill it plus I used fermented soy sauce and most of all I didn't use any thickening agents like cornstarch or white sugar. So, this makes it paleo and 100% pure organic. I never used cornstarch on food these days, I lost my confidence on corn cause most of them are genetically modified. @sarahewaring(not sure if it was her though) once posted that she has managed to inherit heirloom corn seeds from her folks so I have to say - "most".

As for the soy sauce - I choose organic ones and not from the US cause 91% of soy grown in there is GMO and choose fermented ones cause just the normal soy sauce could actually mess with your thyroid, hinder proper digestion and post harm to your breasts. Yeah, Yeah you may be using them often and not experiencing any of these yet but if you get lucky and live longer - eventually, you'd suffer from the side effects but then its your body ...

Are you using any seasoning that has soy in it? Soy sauce, oyster sauce that has it, ketjap manis etc? Unless the soy in it is fermented, I suggest that you don't use it on a daily basis. Oprah had used much soy in the past - it messed up her thyroid.

Anyway, let's get back to the recipe. If you are working at home and have an hour or less to prepare lunch or had to make a quick dinner... a chicken teriyaki is a perfect dish to make. However, I've added some zest on this one.Teriyaki means grilled glossy meat dish but my version of it is just cooked in the pan therefore ... easy peasy. wink ~~ wink~~
I used to make it the old fashioned way .. meat marinated a night before, grilled and brushed with the marinate several times but you could actually just cook it in a pan like I did with this one. How? Let's get on it then.

How to? ... the secret is cooking it on high heat.

The smell of the lemon zest mixed with the garlic and chicken meat will make your mouth water and the taste is divine .. you'd probably eat more rice than usual and eat like you're going to a war. That saves time and you could get back to work earlier but if there's one thing I learned from the oldest and healthiest women in the world from Okinawa Japan, chew your food slowly.

I took each pic with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

EDIT : so it was actually @reddust who wrote the article about 'heirloom corns thanks to @sarahewaring for replying ASAP and confirming it wasn't her.

Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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