Daily pick of hidden gems #38

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37
Month 1

Featured posts

1--The 6 Facets of the Paradigm Shift. My System to Ensure Your Choices are Creating the World You Want to See.


If every "I'm just one person" does something well that can make a huge impact.


2--The Eternal side of love


We all want to find that special person in our lives.


3--The Mental Challenges You’ll Face When Going Freelance


I have experience some of these things already.


4--Saving The Life Of Jessica Part 3 - Original Action-Suspense And Comedy Novel By @steemist


Check out this novel. Great read.


5--Tips For Online Business


Eventually everything will be online. Here's a few tips


6--Be in love! But do not allow itself to be used.


Relationships are complicated. Will probably never understand the reason for this


7--3 Amazingly Inaccurate Ways People Think Socially


Well everyone is different and everyone thinks differently.


Format for the daily gems will continue to change as I try make things better for you(the viewers)


Not in yet

People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

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@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

Press image to go to the post

Russian - @serejandmyself

Not in yet

French - @sebastien

German - @knozaki2015

Not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Not in yet

Quote for the day

Image credit

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2 columns
1 column